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Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade/WBAI
A listing & summary of the broadcasts from 18 September 2001 to date

Tapes are available for $10 from MORC c/o Bill Weinberg, 121 Fifth Ave. #172, Brooklyn, NY 11217. Please allow one month for
Audio archive of recent shows online HERE.
15 March 2011: Against George Galloway
Bill Weinberg calls out WBAI's new golden boy George Galloway on his betrayals of Western Sahara and Darfur as well as his anti-Semitism and accommodation of homophobia. (We could also mention his hypocritical support of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.) Music: Moh Alileche
8 February 2011: The Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade Fights Back
Bill Weinberg raises $1,080 for WBAIdespite (or because of) his relentless criticisms of the station.
Music: Umm Kulthum in solidarity with the Egyptian protesters.
1 February 2011: Elephant Talk
Bill Weinberg polls the listeners on his one-man on-air campaign against WBAI's recent sinister direction. Music: King Crimson
25 January 2011: The Struggle for North Africaand WBAI
Bill Weinberg hails the rising tide of revolution in North Africa and the greater Arab worldand hopes the flame spreads to WBAI. Music: Copal
18 January 2011: From Haiti to Tunisiato WBAI
Bill Weinberg hails the forces of global resistance to tyranny from Haiti to Tunisiato WBAI. Music: Voodoo chanting from Haiti; Sufi chanting from Tunisia
11 January 2011: WBAI Meets the New Boss III
Bill Weinberg challenges WBAI management to abandon their unprincipled fund-raising methods and respect the Pacifica mission, as expounded by the network's founder Lew Hill. Music: Chi Bulag, master of the morin khoor (Mongolian fiddle); Kris Kristofferson (sort of an inside joke)
4 January 2011: WBAI Meets the New Boss II
Bill Weinberg launches the new resistance to the take-over of WBAI by the forces of reactionary wingnuttery. Music: Ottoman Military Project, the B-52's
28 December 2010: WBAI Meets the New Boss
Bill Weinberg protests the exiling of the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade to 2 AMand begins the countdown to the show's cancellation. Music: The Who, Elvis Costello, U2, Rachid Taha
28 September 2010: Rants Against the Machine V
Bill Weinberg rants against the hypertophy of digital technology and its deleterious impact on literacy, journalism and human consciousnessagain. Music: Black Sabbath, Isley Brothers
14 September 2010: Zapatistas and the Poetics of Resistance
With Jeff Conant, author of A Poetics of Resistance: The Revolutionary Public Relations of the Zapatista Insurgency. Music: Manu Chao, revolutionary corridos from Mexico
7 September 2010: The Mosque Mishegoss in New York
Bill Weinberg is joined by John Veit and Steve Ben Israel to offer solidarity to beseiged Sufis, from Pakistan to New York . With Sufi ceremonial music from the Halveti Jerrahi Order of Dervishes, Istanbul
31 August 2010: The Mosque Controversy in China
Bill Weinberg on Islam, syncretism and persecution of mosques in China. Music: Sa Ding Ding
24 August 2010: Against the Conspiracy Theory of History V
Bill Weinberg rants against WBAI's embrace of the sinister wackiness of David Ickeand other things. Music: Edith Piaf's "Non, je ne regrette rien" (1961). Link: The Conspiracy Industry and the Lure of Fascism
10 August 2010: Baha'is and Bedouin
Bill Weinberg on the ongoing persecution of Baha'is in Iran and Bedouin in Israelanother study in the divide-and-conquer game which is the essence of the state system. Music: Galeet Dardashti (Persian-Jewish via Brooklyn).
3 August 2010: The End of the World As We Know It III
Bill Weinberg on the potential for global disaster represented by the confluence of the ongoing dispossession of the Palestinians, the rise of the apocalyptic Christian right in the US, and Obama's failure to pursue real nuclear disarmament. Music: Tinariwen, JJ Cale.
27 July 2010: From Tibet to Peru
Bill Weinberg on new repression against indigenous and ecological struggles in Peru and Tibet. With traditional Tibetan ballads of Tsering Gyurmey.
20 July 2010: The Lockerbie Conspiracies
Bill Weinberg untangles the Orwellian manipulations of truth in the Pan Am 103 bombing, now that it is back in the news thanks to BP's apparent intercession on behalf of Libya in the case. With corny spy music.
13 July 2010: Farewell, Tuli Kupferberg
Bill Weinberg in an homage to departed counterculture legend Tuli Kupferberg. Music: The Fugs, of course.
6 July 2010: Sufism and the Struggle within Islam II
Bill Weinberg on why Sufis are under attack in Pakistan and throughout the Islamic world, and the role of US imperialism. Music: Farid Ayaz Qawwal featuring the Grand Master Munshi Raziuddin.
29 June 2010: Michael Jackson & the Secret of the Vegetable
Bill Weinberg examines Manu Dibango's 1973 international hit "Soul Makossa" for clues to the enigmatic lyrics in Michael Jackson's "Wanna Be Starting Something"and rants about the politics of copyright laws. More music: Antibalas, Globalista Radio.
22 June 2010: Peru & Bolivia: La Lucha Continua
Bill Weinberg with an update on the renewed struggle in the Peruvian Amazon, and the unfolding autonomy process in Bolivia. Music: Tinariwen.
15 June 2010: One Year Later: Iran, Honduras, Peru
Bill Weinberg with a one-year retrospective, assessment and update on the struggles in Iran, Honduras, and Peruand a plug for the upcoming World War 4 Report benefit. Music: urban folk-rockers Fist of Kindness, Brooklyn Mexi-cumbia outfit Cumbiagra, poet Amina Muñoz-Ali.
8 June 2010: Walking for Ecuador
Tania Romero, Rafael Landron and Steve Wishnia discuss their Cultural Caravan for Peace & Solidarity Through Latin America. With Marimba Esmeraldeña, Afro-Ecudoran folk music.
1 June 2010: Dionysius in India III
Bill Weinberg continues the discussion. Also: Hail and farewell, Alexei Kondratiev and Peter Orlovsky.
18 May 2010: Dionysius in India II
Bill Weinberg reprises his exploration of Indo-European myths and word-roots for clues to the Asiatic origins of Greco-Roman culture. Also: Excerpts from Peter Lamborn Wilson's 1997 interview with Bhagavan Das. Music: Chants of India from Ravi Shankar
11 May 2010: The Ecological Nuremberg
Bill Weinberg discusses Evo Morales' call for a UN ecological tribunal in light of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Music: Ted Hawkins, Gatemouth Brown
4 May 2010: Report from Cochabamba
Bill Weinberg reports back from the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia. With deep indigenous Aymara music from the Altiplano
28 April 2010: Against the Kevorkian Cult
Ann Marie Hendrickson rambles against the media cult around Jack Kevorkian, explores the problematic politics of euthanasia. Music: The Crystals, Beach Boys
21 April 2010: The Priestess of Proteus Speaks
Ken Gale interviews veteran WBAI producer and current High Priestess of the Proteus Coven, Judy Harrow, on the politics and history of Wicca and neo-paganism.
14 April 2010: Remembering the Anti-Nuclear Movement
Ken Gale interviews veteran activist and artist Tom Keough on the anti-nuclear movement of the 1970s and '80s, and its victories and defeats.
7 April 2010: Legacy of the Chicken Heart
Ann Marie Hendrickson presents the Gotham Radio Players' re-creation of the creepy 1937 radio drama "Chicken Heart," and expounds on its cultural significance. Music: Bonzo Dog Band
31 March 2010: Lillian Pollak Speaks
Ken Gale interviews Lillian Pollak of NYC Raging Grannies, author of The Sweetest Dream: Love, Lives & Assassination, on a lifetime of social struggle, from her friendship with Trotsky to the present day.
23 March 2010: The Roma Struggle in Central Europe
Human rights activist Gwendolyn Albert speaks on the growing fascist attacks on Roma in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in Central Europe. Music: Earth Wheel Sky Band (Vojvodina, Serbia)
16 March 2010: Los San Patricios
Bill Weinberg on the secret history of Mexico's fighting Irish. Music: The Chieftains featuring Ry Cooder
9 March 2010: Seven Against Thebes
Bill Weinberg reads a retelling of the blood-drenched Greek mythas an allegory for the factional strife at WBAI. Music: Kitka, Eastern European women's chorus
2 March 2010: The Politics of WBAI V
Bill Weinberg rants aganst the Left Forum's one-sided treatment of the WBAI crisis. Also: Farewell, Dave Nolan (1962-2010). Music: Utada Hikaru and other new J-pop
23 February 2010: The Struggle in Peru III
Jordan Goodman, author of The Devil and Mr. Casement: One Man's Struggle for Human Rights in South America's Heart of Darkness, on slavery and genocide in Peru's turn-of-the-century rubber boomand how the campaign against it led to the modern human rights movement. With recent field recordings of Music of the Peruvian Amazon (Special two-part show)
16 February 2010: From Honduras to Iran
Bill Weinberg on escalating repression in Honduras and Iranand why Hugo Chavez doesn't get it. Music: more Persian sufi-pop from Niyaz, and Bronx Garifuna sounds of Bodoma
9 February 2010: Against the Conspiracy Theory of History IV
Bill Weinberg on why the conspiranoids are wrong about Iran (and much else). Also: more from Chip Berlet on the threat of right-wing populism. Music: more Persian sufi-pop from Niyaz
2 February 2010: The Politics of Avatar II
Ann Marie Hendrickson weighs in on Avatar and the politics of escapism. Bill Weinberg continues to explore the interaction of the movie and real indigenous struggle. With traditional Burmese folk music.
26 January 2010: The Politics of Avatar
Bill Weinberg rants about the politics of the movie Avatarand its real-world analogues. With traditional music of the Jivaro people of Ecuador.
19 January 2010: Report from Port-au-Prince
David Wilson of Weekly News Update on the Americas, just back from earthquake-stricken Haiti, gives a first-hand account. With traditional Voudoun drums and chanting.
12 January 2010: Against the Conspiracy Theory of History III
Chip Berlet of Political Research Associates calls in to deconstruct the left's (and WBAI's) increasing drift into right-wing conspiracy theory. Music: Steve Earle, Tennessee Ernie Ford
5 January 2010: Global Climate Shift & the Struggle in Copenhagen
Brian Tokar of the Institute for Social Ecology, Climate SOS and Act for Climate Justice discusses what really happened in Copenhagen, how the climate summit was repackaged, and upcoming protests against the 2nd Carbon Trading Summit in New York City. Next, Bill DiPaola of NYC environmental group Times Up reports back from the streets of Copenhagen. With more gamelan music from Bali
29 December 2009: Travels with Sun Wukong
Bill Weinberg reads selections from the classic Chinese fantasy-folk novel Journey to the West. With monkey songs from Chuck Berry, Peter Gabriel, the Kinks, Ketchak Peliatan (Balinese Monkey Dance), Wu Man on the pipa (Chinese lute)
22 December 2009: Paranoid Hanukkah Party
Bill Weinberg plays festive holiday music from Teslim and Dan Hicks' Christmas Jug Band, but finds his Jewish paranoia grimly vindicated from Moscow to Calgary.
15 December 2009: The Struggle in Iran IV
Kevin B. Anderson, co-author of Foucault and the Iranian Revolution; Kamran Afary, author of Performance and Activism: Grassroots Discourse after the Los Angeles Rebellion of 1992; and Frieda Afary of the website Iranian Progressives in Translation return for a discussion of the continuing upheaval in Iran. Music: Niyaz
8 December 2009: Linguistic Diversity
Ken Gale of Eco-Logic, WBAI's Environmentalism Show, interviews Alexei Kondratiev of the Irish Arts Center on the survival struggle of threatened languages. With traditional music from Iran, Polynesia, Wales and the Mohawks.
1 December 2009: Red Noir
Judith Malina and fellow members of The Living Theatre perform and discuss selections from their new anarchist detective thriller, Anne Waldman's Red Noir.
24 November 2009: What is a Semite?
Bill Weinberg definitively answers the question. Music: Syrian oud master Husain Sabsaby.
17 November 2009: Nazis Occupy Afghanistan? II
As the rest of the world remembers the Velvet Revolution, Bill Weinberg remembers the martyrs of the Czech anti-Nazi resistance and notes the rise of a neo-Nazi underground in the contemporary Czech Republic. Music: Plastic People of the Universe.
10 November 2009: Nazis Occupy Afghanistan?
As the rest of the world remembers the fall of the Berlin Wall, Bill Weinberg (like his neo-Nazi adversaries) remembers Kristallnacht, and asks are Nazis occupying Afghanistan? With traditional and contemporary Turkish music from Talip Ozkan and Mercan Dede.
3 November 2009: The Theory of Listener-Sponsored Radio III
Bill Weinberg continues the discussion, takes listener phone calls. Music: Trance of India with DJ Sohbash
27 October 2009: The Theory of Listener-Sponsored Radio II
Bill Weinberg continues the discusison, rants against the Paranoid Style at Pacifica. Music: spooky Halloween songs from John Lee Hooker, Black Sabbath; more sufi-pop
20 October 2009: The Theory of Listener-Sponsored Radio
Bill Weinberg rants against the creeping comercialization of WBAI, reads Lew Hill. Music: Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Reshma, Master Saleem and more Indo-Pakistani sufi-pop
13 October 2009: The Privatization of New York City II
Bill Weinberg continues his perennial rant on the creeping corporate privatization of New York Cityand Obama's Orwellian Peace Prize. Music: bhangra-hip-hop from Jackson Heights, Queens
6 October 2009: Hugo Blanco Speaks
Bill Weinberg presents portions of his interview with longtime Peruvian activist and veteran guerilla fighter Hugo Blanco on the campesino movements of the 1960s and the contemporary struggle in the Amazon. Music: Farewell, Mercedes Sosa
29 September 2009: The Struggle in Peru II
Bill Weinberg with a travelogue and update on the indigenous struggle in Peru. Music: Anoshka (Puerto Maldonado), Los Hermanos del Ande (Huaraz), Armonia Vertientina (Aija)
8 September 2009: Homage to Ellie Greenwich
Ann Marie Hendrickson on the legacy of legendary girl-group songwriter Ellie Greenwich.
1 September 2009: Politics and the English Language
Bill Weinberg rants about cyber-culture's assault on literacy, language and thought; reads George Orwell. Music: Lena Horne, Gang of Four
4 August 2009: Whither Cultural Autonomy?
William Barth, author of On Cultural Rights: The Equality of Nations and the Minority Legal Tradition, discusses how international standards on this question impact the Palestinians and others. Music: Al-Nujoom Folklore Debka
21 July 2009: Solidarity with Honduras
Bill Weinberg with an update on the struggle in Honduras, US geo-strategic designs in the region, and the possible role of Otto Reich. Music: Punta Rock from the Garifuna people.
21 July 2009: Solidarity with Uighurstan
Bill Weinberg provides an update on the struggle in Xinjiang, reads traditional anarchist-tinged Uighur folktales of Effendi Nasreddin. Music: contemporary Uighur songster Mamer.
14 July 2009: Lessons from 1649
Lew Finzel, speaking from Oakland, Calif., looks back on Gerald Winstanley, the Diggers and the English Revolution, to ask "Can We Still Turn The World Upside Down?" Music: English Rebel Songs from Chumbawamba.
7 July 2009: Michael Knight's Islamic Quest II
Michael Muhammad Knight returns to discuss his new book, The Five Percenters: Islam, Hip Hop and the Gods of New York. Music: Wu-Tang Clan, etc.
30 June 2009: The Politics of WBAI IV
Bill Weinberg and Max Schmid analyze (and spar over) the opposed factions struggling to "Take Back WBAI" and "Take Forward WBAI." Music: Manu Dibango in homage to Michael Jackson
23 June 2009: The Struggle in Iran III
Kevin B. Anderson, co-author of Foucault and the Iranian Revolution; Kamran Afary, author of Performance and Activism: Grassroots Discourse after the Los Angeles Rebellion of 1992; and journalist and translator Frieda Afary on the upheaval in Iran. Music: Berber songster Moh Alileche in commemoration of Lounes Matoub
9 June 2009: The Struggle in Peru
Bill Weinberg on the resistance and repression in the Peruvian Amazon. Music: Quechua songster Jaime Guardia's Sangre Andina; Chicha Libre jungle-pop
2 June 2009: From Gaza to Tamil Eelam
Bill Weinberg with a comparison of international reactions to Sri Lanka's war crimes in the Tamil north and Israel's war crimes in Gaza. Music: more Amal Murkus
26 May 2009: The Politics of WBAI III
Bill Weinberg with more on the regime change at WBAI and what it means for the Pacifica Mission. Also: solidarity with Sri Lanka's Tamils. Music: Amal Murkus (Palestine)
19 May 2009: Indigenous Voices
Elaine Benavides of Earth Peoples joins Mohawk activist-musician Laurence Laughing. Music: Seth Tobocman and the World War 3 Illustrated band perform live in the studio again. Also: Lebanese violin virtuoso Georges Lammam
12 May 2009: The Politics of WBAI II
Bill Weinberg discusses the changes at WBAI and elsewhere in the Pacifica network. Music: Wretched Refuse String Band with the late Citizen Kafka, dutar (Afghan lute) master Aziz Herawi
5 May 2009: Resistance Behind Bars
Victoria Law discusses her new book Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women. Music: Seth Tobocman and the World War 3 Illustrated house band perform live in the studio.
27 April 2009: The Politics of Piracy... and WBAI
Bill Weinberg with more on the Somali pirate crisis, the Afghan civil resistance... and the WBAI crisis. Music: Hossein Behroozi-nia, master of the barbat (Persian lute)
21 April 2009: Free Somaliland
Bill Weinberg interviews Dr. Saad Noor, North American representative of the Republic of Somaliland, on the pirate crisis and the struggle for a Free Somaliland. Music: more from the El Gusto Orchestra of Algiers
14 April 2009: The Politics of Piracy
Bill Weinberg on the Somali pirate crisis and its mirror in the early 19th-century Barbary Wars. Music: Abdel Hadi Halo & the El Gusto Orchestra of Algiers
7 April 2009: The Politics of WBAI
Bill Weinberg on the latest crises of the global economy and WBAI. Music: classic songs of the Great Depression
1 April 2009: The Groznia Conspiracies
Bill Weinberg interviews conspiracy researcher Dr. James Brent on the the role of Swedish intelligence in the secret war in Groznia. Music: Jane's Addiction covers "Sympathy for the Devil," etc.
24 March 2009: Farewell, Citizen Kafka
Bill Weinberg bids farewell to WBAI legend Richard Shulberg AKA Citizen Kafka with musical samples from the Wretched Refuse String Band and the Secret Museum of Mankind.
17 March 2009: St. Patrick's Day Special on El Salvador
Bill Weinberg spins great Irish tunes, discusses the historic electoral victory for the left in El Salvador. Music: The Chieftains, Solas, Holly Tannen, Robbie Hannan, Paul McGrattan, etc.
10 March 2009: Against the Conspiracy Theory of History II
Bill Weinberg calls out WBAI's latest conspiracy guru as a right-wing charlatan, rants against the populist right's ongoing buy-out of the radical left. With traditional Bedouin music from Oran, Algeria.
3 March 2009: Farewell, Fallen Divas
Bill Weinberg pays homage to Odetta, Miriam Makeba, Yma Sumac and Eartha Kitt
24 February 2009: Whither Hugo Chavez? III
Nikolas Kozloff, author of Revolution! South America and the Rise of the New Left, joins Bill Weinberg to discuss the Venezuelan synagogue attack. Music: Joe Cuba Sextet, Marco Granados
17 February 2009: The Politics of Media Contraction
Bill Weinberg and journalist Robert Waddell of Virtual Boricua on the evisceration and dumbing down of world media. Music: Al-Nujoom Folklore Debka (NY-Palestinian)
10 February 2009: Presidential Blues
Bill Weinberg raises money for WBAI with his special premium of presidentially themed topical songs, charting American history from from the Lincoln assassination through the Bush debacle. Music: Henry Clay Work, the North Carolina Ramblers, Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, Tom Paxton, Howlin' Wolf, Gil Scott Heron, the Ramones and much more.
3 February 2009: Civil Resistance in Iraq VI
Khayal Ibrahim of the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) calls in to discuss the anti-woman backlash in Iraqi Kurdistan. Music: New York-based pan-Arab ensemble Zikrayat
27 January 2009: Whither Obama? II
Bill Weinberg continues the discussion, after Obama's first week in office saw deadly air-strikes on both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Music: more Kenge Kenge, Henry Clay Work's "Who Shall Rule This American Nation?" (1866)
20 January 2009: Whither Obama?
Bill Weinberg with an historical comparison of Barack Obama, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln from a political-economy perspective. Music: Kenge Kenge, traditional Luo roots from Kenya
13 January 2009: Moorish Orthodox New Year III
Bill Weinberg celebrates Yennayer (Berber New Year, Jan. 12) and Noble Drew Ali's Birthday (Jan. 8), compares the Berber and Palestinian self-determination struggles. Music: Rayssa Fatima Tabaamrant, traditional rwais from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco
6 January 2009: Politics of the Gaza Aggression
Bill Weinberg discusses the moral politics of the Israeli assault on Gaza. Music: Amal Murkus (Palestine)
30 December 2008: The Star of the Magi: 2000 Years Later
Courtney Roberts, creator of the Astrological Weather website, discusses her book The Star of the Magi: The Mystery That Heralded the Coming of Christ. Music: Maddy Prior & the Carnival Band
23 December 2008: Sephardic Folk Song
Gloria de Vidas Kirchheimer discusses the musical and linguistic legacy of the Sephardic Jews, from Izmir and Alexandria to Harlem and the Lower East Side. With samples from her ground-breaking 1959 album for Folkways
16 December 2008: How To Rule The World
Mark Engler, author of How To Rule The World: The Coming Battle Over the Global Economy, on the financial crisis and the end of the "Washington Consensus." Music: Buster Brown's "Fannie Mae," Barrett Strong's "Money"
9 December 2008: Solidarity with Mumbai II
Bill Weinberg with more on the politics of the Mumbai attacks, and the conspiracy theories. Also: the paraxodical anti-imperialism of the new James Bond movie. Music: Shruti Sadolikar-katkar and more classical ragas
2 December 2008: Solidarity with Mumbai
Bill Weinberg dissects the politics of the Mumbai attacks, and the conspiracy theories. Music: Mumbai-born diva Kishore Amonkar and other classical ragas
25 November 2008: Adalah Means Justice
Andrew Muhad El-Kadi on the upcoming gala benefit for the New York chapter of Adalah: The Coalition for Justice in the Middle East, and updates on West Bank land theft and the siege in Gaza. Music: oud virtuoso Simon Shaheen
18 November 2008: Yes We Did. Now What? II
Bill Weinberg discusses recent racist attacks, anti-immigrant violence and other ominous signs of a radical-right backlash against the election of Barack Obama. With new new music from Mali, including Bassekou Kouyate, Oumou Sangare and Rokia Traore. Also: Farewell, Miriam Makeba
11 November 2008: The Struggle in Mauritania III
Abdarahmane Wone of the African Liberation Forces of Mauritania (FLAM) and the Refugee Defense Alliance discuss the repression of the anti-slavery and pro-democracy struggle since the August military coup. With new political rap music from Mauritania's Jam Min Tekke.
4 November 2008: Yes We Did. Now What?
Bill Weinberg and a studio full of activists and scholars including Marisol Ruiz, Kazembe Balagun, Russell Dale, Jana Ridvanova and Bill Koehline of the Brecht Forum and Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory discuss the historic election of Barack Obamawith varying degrees of cynicism. Music: Kenyan homages to the US president-elect, including "Obama Ubarikiwe" (Obama be Blessed) by Samba Mapangala, "Obama for Change" by Kenge Kenge and "Obama be Thy Name" by Makadem. (Special two-part show)
28 October 2008: Worse Than They Want You to Think
Andrew Kliman, author of Reclaiming Marx's "Capital": A Refutation of the Myth of Inconsistency and a founding member of the Marxist-Humanist Committee, presents his Marxist Analysis of the Economic Crisis. Music: Chicago bluesman John Brim's "Tough Times" (1952)
21 October 2008: The Electoral Farce? III
Bill Weinberg with an exegesis on the contradictions of the American two-party system and a continuation of the on-air listener poll. With samples from Oscar Brand's historical collection of Presidential Campaign Songs
14 October 2008: Witness in Palestine
Anna Baltzer calls in from her national tour to discuss her book Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories. Music: Lebanese diva Magida el-Roumi
7 October 2008: The Crimes of Alberto Fujimori
Francisco Soberón of Peru's Associación Pro-Derechos Humanos (APRODEH) on his effort to bring war crimes charges against Alberto Fujimori. Music: Las Campesinas de Cajamarca
30 September 2008: Secret History of the Indian Mutiny
Amaresh Misra discusses his book War of Civilisations: 1857 AD, on Britain's forgotten holocaust in India and its meaning for contemporary anti-imperialist struggle. Music: The Bauls of Bengal
23 September 2008: Whither Conspiracy Theory? III
Max Schmid and Bill Weinberg continue to poke fun at the 9-11 conspiranoids with more UFO-ology and Paul-is-Deadery. Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Beatles (of course)
16 September 2008: Whither Conspiracy Theory? II
Max Schmid and Bill Weinberg present classic 1950s UFO-ology broadcasts from Long John Nebel and 1960s "Paul is Dead" wackjobbery, discuss the politics of conspiranoia. Music: Steve Earle's "Conspiracy Theory" (of course)
9 September 2008: The Electoral Farce? III
Bill Times Up and Liane Nikitavitch report back from the RNC protests. Bill Weinberg polls the listeners on how they intend to vote. Music: The Psychedlic Furs' "President Gas"; the New Lost City Ramblers' "Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Back Again"
2 September 2008: Geopolitics of the Great Game
Bill Weinberg on struggles for autonomy and cultural survival from the Balkans, Caucasus and Uighurstan to the Amazon. With traditional Kosovar Albanian music of Rifat Berisha
26 August 2008: Whither Tibet? III
Jacob Blumenfeld, one of several foreigners detained in Beijing for holding Free Tibet protests at the Olympics, speaks. With more contemporary Tibetan pop and protest music. Link: Free Tibet 2008
19 August 2008: Whither Uighurstan? II
Bill Weinberg with more on the ironies of the Uighur struggle, and traditional Uighur music from Xinjiang.
12 August 2008: Whither Abkhazia?
Bill Weinberg discusses the crisis in Georgia, and how South Ossetia and Abkhazia became new Cold War frontlines. Music: traditional Georgian epic songs and hymns from the Rustavi Choir.
5 August 2008: Whither Uighurstan?
Bill Weinberg discusses the Uighur self-determination struggle in Xinjiang, takes calls on the nature of the contemporary Chinese state. Music: traditional Mongol and Buryat song, and (forgive the corniness) the Red Rockers' "China."
29 July 2008: Critical Mass Under Attack V
Bill Weinberg and Bill Times Up on the latest escalation against Critical Mass. Music: new bhangra and Bollywood.
22 July 2008: The Tompkins Square Riot: 20 Years Later
Chris Flash, editor of the Lower East Side underground paper The Shadow, and Frank Morales, co-editor of the anthology Police State America, reflect on the legacy of Tompkins Square Park 20 years after the Aug. 6, 1988 police riot. Music: peroid sounds of Missing Foundation.
15 July 2008: Disaster and Resistance
Seth Tobocman and the Improvised Explosive Devices perform and discuss selections from Seth's new book Disaster and Resistance, with works on Iraq, Palestine, the Niger Delta, post-Katrina New Orleans, the bayou country and more. Also: Karen Marie Fiorito of Yo! What Happened to Peace?; housing activist and defendant Jamie "Bork" Laughner calls in on the struggle in New Orleans. Music: Al-Nujoom Folklore Debka (NY-Palestinian)
8 July 2008: The Struggle for Union Square
Mark Reed of NYC Park Advocates and Geoffrey Croft of the Union Square Community Improvement District (get it?) on the battle for public space in New York City. Also: update on the struggle for 47 East 3rd Street. Music: more third world psychedelia
1 July 2008: Third World Psychedelia
Bill Weinberg spins 1960s psychedelic and garage rock nuggets from Cuba, Mexico and West Africa. Also: Marisol Ruiz and Kazembe Balagun of the Brecht Forum on revolutionary culture in New York City.
24 June 2008: Homage to Matoub Lounes II
Bill Weinberg on the legacy of martyred folksingers Victor Jara of Chile and Lounes Matoub of Algeria.
17 June 2008: Whither Hugo Chavez? II
Nikolas Kozloff, author of Revolution! South America and the Rise of the New Left, returns to ask if isn't enough with the Hugo Chavez hero worship. With more authentic Venezuelan llanero music.
10 June 2008: Spirit of Sepharad
Sephardic songster Gerard Edery performs live in the studio and discusses the legacy of Judeo-Spanish music and culture. With samples from his new album, Two Faiths, One Voice, a collaboration with vocalist and folklorist Maria Krupoves.
3 June 2008: Chris Carlsson's Nowtopia
San Francisco anarchist personality Chris Carlsson discusses his new book Nowtopia: How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists, and Vacant-lot Gardeners are Inventing the Future Today. Also: Eric Goodman with music from his performance work Thus Spoke the Spectacle, inspired by the theories of Guy Debord.
27 May 2008: Prince Caspian as Revenge Fantasy
Bill Weinberg discusses the tension between Christian ideology and paganistic atavism in the works of CS Lewis. Music: traditional pipes and fiddles of the Laz, an ancient people of the Caucasus Mountains
20 May 2008: The Struggle in Zimbabwe II
Bill Weinberg presents more excerpts from his 2002 interview with Zimbabwean Afro-pop superstar Thomas Mapfumo to shed light on the current escalation in Zimbabwe. Music: Baly Othmani (Algeria) and Thomas Mapfumo (of course)
13 May 2008: From Darfur to Nubia II
Bill Weinberg presents more excerpts from his 1996 interview with Sheikh Anwar McKeen, exiled King of Nubia, to shed light on the current escalation in Sudan. Music: Nubian oud masters Hamza El Din, Abdel Gadir Salim.
6 May 2008: The Privatization of New York City
Bill Weinberg on the creeping corporate privatization of New York Cityand the resistance. Music: Joe Cuba Sextet, more Nuyorican funk.
29 April 2008: The Struggle for Chinatown
Josephine Lee and Rob Hollander of the Coalition to Protect Chinatown/LES on the super-development of Lower Manhattan and the re-zoning controversy. Music: Antibalas, other classic New York Latin funk.
22 April 2008: Whither Tibet? II
Bill Weinberg with an update on the struggle in Tibet and what it means for the global indigenous struggle. With more Tibetan temple music and contemporary Tibetan ethno-pop.
15 April 2008: The Gastronomic Dilemma III
Ann Marie Hendrickson and Bill Weinberg on the politics of vegetarianism. With more food-themed songs from Professor Louie, Syd Barrett, Dee Dee Sharp, Spike Jones. Link: Veggie Pride Parade
8 April 2008: Anarchist Book Fair
Bill Weinberg discusses the upcoming NYC Anarchist Book Fair and his recent visit to the San Francisco Anarchist Book Fair and Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library in Oakland. Also: the legacy of the 1946 Oakland General Strike and 1963 Berkeley Free Speech Movement. With new music from Berkeley's legendary world music club Ashkenaz, including Moh Alileche (Algeria), Mamadou & Vanessa (Mali), Nawal (Comoros), Solo Cissokho (Senegal).
2 April 2008: The Gastronomic Dilemma II
Ann Marie Hendrickson continues the discussion. Also: the politics of rat ownership. Music: food- and rat-themed songs from The Raincoats, Memphis Minnie.
25 March 2008: The Gastronomic Dilemma
Ann Marie Hendrickson on vegetarian gastro-puritanism versus epicurean gastro-hedonism. Music: Robert Johnson's "Come On In My Kitchen," Screaming Lord Sutch's "I'm A Hog for You, Baby" and other food-themed songs.
18 March 2008: Maqams of Brooklyn
A live preview of the Brooklyn Maqam Arab Music Festival, featuring Dimitri Mikelis (Greece, oud), Salah Rajab (Syria, vocals), Sami Abu Shumays (of the New York ensemble Zikrayat, violin), Amir ElSaffar (Iraqi-American, of the Safaafir ensemble, santoor).
11 March 2008: Whither Tibet?
Bill Weinberg discusses the re-emergence of resistance in Tibet and Uighurstan, and peasant struggles in China. With traditional Tibetan temple music and contemporary Tibetan pop and hip-hop of New York's Acho Danny (and others).
4 March 2008: Whither Kosova?
Bill Weinberg explores the question: Is Kosova really independent? Music: Albanian pop superstars Sinan Hoxha and Artiola Toska
19 February 2008: The Electoral Farce? II
Bill Weinberg calls out Barack Obama's bellicose tendencies, while John Veit and Vanessa Dobre field listener phone calls. Music: Howlin' Wolf's "Watergate Blues"
19 February 2008: The Electoral Farce?
Bill Weinberg and political observer John Veit dissect the phenomena of Barack Obama, Ron Paul and the new populism. Music: The Psychedlic Furs' "President Gas"; singer-songwriter Jennifer Miller performs live in the studio
12 February 2008: Whither Conspiracy Theory?
Bill Weinberg and Max Schmid present vintage archive interviews with conspiracy gurus Carl Oglesby and Robert Anton Wilson, on JFK, the Nazis, the Illuminati and more. Music: Connie Francis in honor of Bob Santucci
29 January 2008: The Struggle in Zimbabwe
Bill Weinberg presents his 2002 interview with Zimbabwean Afro-pop superstar Thomas Mapfumo and takes phone calls on the nature of the Robert Mugabe regime.
22 January 2008: From Darfur to Nubia
Bill Weinberg presents a reprise broadcast of the MORC's Jan. 9, 1996 interview with Sudanese exile Sheikh Anwar McKeen, King of Nubia, and Dede Obombasa of the Coalition Against Slavery in Africa (CASIA), with historical background to the current crisis in Darfur. Music: Saba (Ethio-Somalian)
15 January 2008: Moorish Orthodox New Year II
Bill Weinberg celebrates Noble Drew Ali's Birthday (Jan. 8) and Berber New Year (Yennayer, Jan. 12) with selections from Vieux Farka Toure and Tinariwen (Mali), and ColombiAfrica Mystic Orchestra (Colombia).
8 January 2008: William Blake's Revolutionary Vision
Lew Finzel and Rachel Aronowitz of the William Blake Memorial Butterfly Sanctuary, the One True Church of the Great Green Frog, and the Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library, visiting from Oakland, Calif. With Blakean interpretations from Van Morrison, Billy Bragg, Bruce Dickinson.
1 January 2008: Moorish Orthodox New Year
Bill Weinberg plays traditional Arabo-Andalusian music of Algeria's Nassima, Tuareg ishumar music of Niger's Toumast.
25 December 2007: Moorish Orthodox Christmas
Bill Weinberg plays Moorish-influenced Christmas music from Maddy Prior & The Carnival Band
18 December 2007: The Struggle in New Orleans IV
New Orleans resident and activist Sam Jackson calls in from the threatened BW Cooper housing project. Music: Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown
11 December 2007: The Politics of Immigration
Jane Guskin and David Wilson discuss their new book The Politics of Immigration. Music: Anthems of the undocumented from Los Tigres del Norte
4 December 2007: WBAI Under SiegeAgain?! II
Bill Weinberg and Max Schmid discuss the contested WBAI elections, airing the positions of both Justice & Unity and the dissidents. With Metadomus, Indonesian "metamorfoka" music
20 November 2007: Gastronomic Resistance II
Bill Weinberg rants about the cultural cleansing of New York's working-class ethnic restaurants and the general deterioration of American cuisine. Music: Malvina Reynolds' "The New Restaurant," Booker T. & MG's' "Green Onions," Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention's "Call Any Vegetable," Woody Guthrie's "Farmer-Labor Train," Leadbelly's "New York City." Links: Alec Baldwin disses New York culture
13 November 2007: Voices of the Amazigh XI
Issouf ag-Maha, spokesman for the Mouvement des Nigériens pour la Justice (MNJ), speaks on the new Tuareg guerilla struggle. Music: Toumast
6 November 2007: Anti-Globalization Struggle in Japan
Anarchist film critic Go Hirasawa and journalist Sabu Kohso, a contributor to the Japan After Japan anthology, discuss the NO G8 protests planned for the upcoming 2008 summit in Hokkaido, Japanese underground cinema, the legacy of the Japanese armed left movement of the '60s and '70s, and the repression that followed in its wake. With Italian radical rap music in memory of Carlo Giuliani
30 October 2007: Harry Houdini's Last Seance
Ann Marie Hendrickson presents an authentic recording of the 1938 live-broadcast seance by the widow of Harry Houdini to contact her late husband. Also: a Gotham Radio Players production of a "lost" episode of classic 1930s horror radio show "Lights Out." Music: the Misfits, the Shaggs
23 October 2007: The Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade's Greatest Hits IV
Max Schmid, covering for the missing Bill and Ann Marie, continues the fund-raising effort, with qawwali music from Pakistan, gnawa music from Morocco, capoeira music from Brazil, and other international samples from the MORC musical archive.
16 October 2007: The Struggle in Oaxaca IV
Miguel Angel Vasquez of Oaxaca's Servicios para una Educación Alternativa (EDUCA) speaks on the state of the struggle one year after the federal crackdown. With folkloric music from the region.
9 October 2007: The Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade's Greatest Hits III
Bill Weinberg and Ann Marie Hendrickson spin classics from the MORC's famed international music library in a stunningly successful fund-raising show. With samples from the Sahara Desert of Mali, Miskito Coast of Honduras, Resian Alps of Italy and more. Also: Ann Marie on the politics of Columbus Day.
2 October 2007: From Gene Autry to 3:10 to Yuma
Ann Marie Hendrickson on the evolution of Hollywood's portrayal of Old West. Music: baseball songs to commemorate the Mets debacle
25 September 2007: Happy Birthday, Maxwell J. Schmid
An on-air party as WBAI producers Ann Marie Hendrickson, Bill Weinberg, Sharon Gregory, R. Paul Martin, "Uncle" Sidney Smith and Kathy Davis wish a happy birthday to Max Schmid of the Golden Age of Radio. Also: the politics of listener phone calls. Music: Camper Van Beethoven
18 September 2007: The Bonzo Detectives
Ann Marie Hendrickson on Roberto Bolaño and the Bonzo Dog Band.
11 September 2007: 9-11: "Conspiracy Theory" vs. "Consensus Reality" III
Ann Marie Hendrickson and Bill Weinberg on the temptations of conspiracy theory, and how the "Truth" movement misses the "real conspiracy": the Rockefellers' corner-cutting in the construciton of the Twin Towers. Music: Hamilton Camp, Neil Young, Gwar, John Trudell, Camper Van Beethoven, the Flaming Lips
4 September 2007: Hollywood and Pregnancy
Ann Marie Hendrickson on the gender politics of Knocked Up and The Nanny Diaries. Music: the Crystals and other Phil Spector classics
28 August 2007: Farewell, Weekly World News
Ann Marie Hendrickson on the demise of the Weekly World News, and its unrecognized role in the '80s zine scene and DIY culture. Music: the legendary Joe Meek
21 August 2007: Iraq: A New Age of Genocide? II
Bill Weinberg on the massacre of the Yazidis and the need to support Iraq's civil resistance. With traditional Kurdish music of Huseyne Omeri (Turkey)
14 August 2007: From Baghdad to Tokyo II
Bill Weinberg reports back from Tokyo on the Zenko conference in solidarity with Iraq's civil resistance. With Yutaka Umisedo (traditional Okinawan music) and MIA (British-Sri Lankan techno diva, but "big in Japan")
7 August 2007: Farewell, Ali Farka Toure II
Bill Weinberg, away in Japan, leaves his audience with samples from the late African bluesman's rare early albums, as well as his final recordings, a collaboration with kora master Toumani Diabate.
31 July 2007: Civil Resistance in Iraq V
Bill Weinberg, on the eve of his departure for a conference in Japan on solidarity with Iraq's civil resistance, discusses and takes phone calls on the question of why the US anti-war movement has not embraced this cause. Music: Soliman Galil (Egypt), Mande Djeliou (Mali)
24 July 2007: Farewell, Ali Farka Toure
Bill Weinberg teases the listeners with samples from the late, great African bluesman to get them to shell out their money for WBAI. Link: Farewell, Ali Farka Toure
17 July 2007: The End of the World As We Know It II
Chip Berlet of Political Research Associates calls in to discuss premillenial dispensationalism, conspiracy theory and the secret wars for the Temple Mount. Music: Ishtar & Los Niños de Sara, Reines de Saba (Moorish flamenco fusion)
10 July 2007: Whither the American Revolution? II
Bill Weinberg on the blatant and insidious shredding of the Bill of Rights. Music: The Chieftains, Solas, Richard & Mimi Fariña
4 July 2007: Whither the American Revolution?
Bill Weinberg on the revolutionary legacy of Thomas Paine--and the reactionary legacy of George Washington. Music: Allen Ginsberg interprets William Blake
26 June 2007: From Darfur to Loisaida
Bill Weinberg on genocide in Darfur and cultural repression on the Lower East Side. Music: Abdoulaye Alhassan (Niger), Djelimady Tounkara (Mali), Corey Harris with Ali Farka Toure
19 June 2007: Darfur: What Is To Be Done?
What should activists advocate as an international response to the genocide in Darfur? Bill Weinberg explores the question and takes listener phone calls. Music: Boubacar Traore, Omou Sangare and other classic exponents of African blues.
12 June 2007: Whither Hugo Chavez?
Nikolas Kozloff, author of Hugo Chavez: Oil, Politics and the Challenge to the US, speaks on Venezuela's populist revolution. With Simon Diaz and other classics of gaita and llanero music.
5 June 2007: Against the Conspiracy Theory of History
Bill Weinberg dissects the creeping commercialization and infiltration of right-wing conspiracy theory at WBAI and the left in general. Music: Elvis Costello's "Radio Radio" and other early hits.
29 May 2007: The Struggle in Mauritania II
Abdarahmane Wone of the African Liberation Forces of Mauritania (FLAM) and attorney Wesley O'Brien of the Refugee Defense Alliance discuss the international lawsuit filed against ex-dictator Maaouya Ould Sidi Ahmed Taya for slavery and ethnic cleansing. With live indigenous Fulani music from Farba Seck on the hoddu (African banjo).
15 May 2007: Iraq: A New Age of Genocide?
Bill Weinberg on threatened micro-ethnicities of Iraq. With indigenous music from Sudan (Rasha, Abou Bakr & Omar) in solidarity with Darfur, more anti-war songs from 1915 (Bert Williams).
8 May 2007: Critical Mass Under Attack IV
Attorney Wylie Stecklow of and Bill from Times Up discuss the NYPD attack on the Handschu settlement and Critical Mass. Music: anti-war songs from 1968 (Richard & Mimi Fariña) and 1915 (Morton Harvey, the Peerless Quartet).
1 May 2007: Thoughts on the Common Toad VI
Bill Weinberg reads George Orwell for the annual Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade Rite of Spring. Music: Dave Van Ronk, Peter Stampfel and the Holy Modal Rounders; samples from the Harry Smith Anthology of American Folk Music. Link: Some Thoughts on the Common Toad
24 April 2007: The Armenian Genocide Remembered
Bill Weinberg on the 92nd anniversary of the Armenian genocide and ongoing persecution and mass murder of some of its forgotten victims --this time in Iraq. Music: Armenian oud virtuoso John Berberian
17 April 2007: The Virginia Tech Massacre and Hitler's Shadow
Bill Weinberg on deep psycho-historical background to the Virginia Tech massacre. Music: Brent Titcomb, Jimi Hendrix, U2
3 April 2007: Ahmadiyya Passover Special
Bill Weinberg examines cognate Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Afghan folk songs ("Chad Gadya," "La Mora y la Moxca," "Morghak," respectively) for ethnographic evidence in support of the Ahmadiyya Muslim belief that the Pashtuns are the Lost Tribes of Israel. (Sequel to "Who Is a Jew?" of 2 Oct. 2001) Bonus link: Ahmadiyya on Vedanta.
27 March 2007: Politics of World War 4 III
Bill Weinberg on the cultural survival struggles of Guatemala's Kekchi Maya and the Jews of Yemen, plus phone calls on the Norman Finklestein affair. Music: more Natacha Atlas, Omar Faruk Tekbilek
20 March 2007: Michael Knight's Islamic Quest
Michael Muhammad Knight, author of Blue-Eyed Devil: A Road Odyssey Through Islamic America, on his quest for indigenous American Islam and the true identity of Fard Muhammad. Music: Islamic punk of Boston's Punjabi rockers The Kominas
13 March 2007: The Struggle in Bolivia III
Ben Dangle, author of The Price of Fire: Resource Wars and Social Movements in Bolivia, and April Howard, co-editor of Upside Down World, speak on indigenous struggle in the new Bolivia of Evo Morales. Music: Aymara revolutionary rap of Abraham Bojorquez
27 February 2007: Revolutionary Peace and Ethnic Studies
José Hernandez, author of Revolutionary Peace through Ethnic Studies, speaks on the cultural survival struggles of the USA's conquered peoples, and building an alternative to the culture of war. Music: folk songs of the Puerto Rican independence movement
20 February 2007: Nonviolent Executions with Steve Ben Israel
Steve Ben Israel, legendary thespian and pioneer of "performance life" speaks on theater, consciousness and revolution from Morocco to New York. Also: update on the Norman Finklestein affair. Music: more Omar Faruk Tekbilek
13 February 2007: The Struggle in Iran II
Bill Weinberg conducts a live telephone interview to Tehran with Bina Darabzand of Salam Democrat, on the recent student protests and the radical left opposition to the Ahmadinejad regime. Link: Iranian Solidarity with Oaxaca. Music: more Omar Faruk Tekbilek
31 January 2007: Civil Resistance in Iraq IV
Bill Weinberg presents reprise excerpts from his interviews with Samir Adil and other leaders of the Iraq Freedom Congress to build support for Iraq's civil resistance and WBAI's fund-drive. Music: Natacha Atlas
23 January 2007: Civil Resistance in Iraq III
Bill Weinberg presents reprise excerpts from his interviews with Yanar Mohammed and other leaders of the Iraq Freedom Congress to build support for Iraq's civil resistance and WBAI's fund-drive. Music: Omar Faruk Tekbilek, Gang of Four
16 January 2007: The Struggle in New Orleans III
Bill Weinberg conducts a live telephone interview with Curtis Rumrill and Jamie "Bork" Lochner of Survivors Village in the 7th Ward's occupied St. Bernard housing project. Link: Common Ground Relief. Music: Jimi Hendrix, Howlin' Wolf, Jimmy Witherspoon, Memphis Slim, Big Bill Broonzy, Leadbelly
9 January 2007: Voices of the Amazigh X
Bill Weinberg presents new Tuareg sounds of Tartit (Mali) and the Tuareg-Wodaabe fusion of Etran Finatawa (Niger).
2 January 2007: Critical Mass Under Attack III
Rachel Myers and Rich Krollman of Times Up and Firefly of Assemble for Rights on fighting the draconian new NYPD transportation regs and reacting to bicyclists deaths. Music: Camille Yarbrough, The Specials, Gang of Four.
26 December 2006: Farewell, Cheikha Remitti
Bill Weinberg pays homage to Algeria's late Grandmother of Rai. More music: Baba Israel & Yako, Roots & Wisdom, Shawn Rhodes.
19 December 2006: The Politics of World War 4 II
Bill Weinberg on protests in Iran, Norman Finklestein, and other matters. Music: Desond Dekker, Central Asian selections from the Smithsonian's Silk Road Project.
12 December 2006: Farewell, Ustaad Bismillah Khan
Bill Weinberg on the music and legacy of the late, great master of the shennai, or Hindustani oboe, Bismillah Khan. With excerpts from his final interview.
5 December 2006: Masters of the Oud
Bill Weinberg on the music and legacy of the late, great masters of the oud, Hamza el Din (Nubian) and George Mgrdichian (Armenian-American).
21 November 2006: World War 3 Illustrated VI
Seth Tobocman, Fly and other members of the World War 3 Illustrated crew with readings and performance on Unnatural Disasters from New Orleans to Iraq. Also: Ann Marie Hendrickson and Max Schmid on the problematic WBAI elections.
14 November 2006: Endangered Sounds of Iraq
Bill Weinberg presents samples from oud master Naseer Shamma and choubi pop music from the '70s and '80s. With annotation on how secular culture and music are threatened with extermination in the escalating sectarian war.
7 November 2006: Remembrance Day
Bill Weinberg on the historical roots of Veteran's Day and why the "War to End All Wars" didn't work out that way. Music: "The Green Fields of France" and "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda," songs about World War I by Eric Bogle, as interpreted by John McDermott and Tommy Makem & Liam Clancy, respectively.
31 Ocotber 2006: The Struggle in Oaxaca III
Efrain Galicia and Pedro Flores of the Consejo de Derechos Humanos Para Todos on the escalating struggle in Oaxaca and the death of Brad Will. With more recordings of rebel broadcasts and troubadours.
23 Ocotber 2006: The Hungarian Revolution Remembered
Bill Weinberg on the revolutionary tradition from Budapest 1956 to Oaxaca 2006. With Hungarian folk dances and Mexican revolutionary corridos. Link: Raya Dunayevskaya on the Hungarian Revolution.
17 Ocotber 2006: The Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade's Greatest Hits II
Bill Weinberg follows Moorish traces through musical samples from Morocco, Mali, Turkey, Pakistan, India, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Chicago and more.
10 October 2006: The Struggle in Oaxaca II
Efrain Galicia of the Consejo de Derechos Humanos Para Todos returns with an update as the struggle in Oaxaca approaches an endgame. With more recordings of rebel broadcasts and troubadours.
3 October 2006: The Struggle in Oaxaca
Efrain Galicia of New York's Consejo de Derechos Humanos Para Todos, just back from Mexico, speaks on the struggle in Oaxaca and the movement towards parallel power throughout the country. Striking teacher Maricarmen Altamirano calls in live from the cross-country march to Mexico City. With recordings of rebel radio broadcasts from Oaxaca and incendiary political folksongs of Andres Contreras.
26 September 2006: Solidarity with Tel Rumeida II
Aaron Levitt of Jews Against the Occupation (JATO) and the Tel Rumeida Project, an international volunteer effort to protect the Hebron Palestinian neighborhood from settler harassment and violence, joins David Bloom of World War 4 Report for a discussion of West Bank apartheid, the recent Lebanon war, and the legacy of the 1948 Naqba. Music: dueling samples of Palestinian and Israeli war-propaganda pop
19 September 2006: From Darfur to Mauritania
Mamadou Barry and Abdarahmane Wone of the African Liberation Forces of Mauritania (FLAM) discuss the ethics and politics of foreign intervention in Darfur, and the forgotten wars of Africa's Sahel. Music: Funeebe Fuwta Aawdy (Fulani). Link: Mauritania moves towards democracy...except for slaves (Note: The transcript of this interview is online.)
12 September 2006: 9-11: "Conspiracy Theory" vs. "Consensus Reality" II
Bill Weinberg deconstructs the conspiranoiacs, and takes listener phone calls. Music: Steve Earle, LA Estridge. Bonus link: Lewis Mumford on the World Trade Center
5 September 2006: Warlock Asylum
Messiah-El Bey presents his soon-to-be-released alchemical sci-fi hip-hop extravaganza Warlock Asylum, as well as a sample from one of his influences, 1950s Bollywood superstar Kishore Kumar.
29 August 2006: Are Jews White?
Bill Weinberg takes phone calls on the forbidden question. Also: neo-Nazis infiltrate US military. Music: Rag Tzlilay, mandolin ragas of the Bene Israel of Mumbai
22 August 2006: The Struggle for St. Brigid's Church
Musician/activist Lorcan Otway joins Edwin Torres, Carolyn Ratcliffe and Jerome O'Connor of the Committee to Save St. Brigid's Church, on the threatened Lower East Side parish's 160-year history of struggle, from the 1848 Potato Famine to the 1988 Tompkins Square riot. Also: Bill Times Up and Nikita Times Up of Times Up and Mark Taylor of Freewheels on the people's victory over the NYPD's proposed draconian bicycling and demonstration regulations.
15 August 2006: Anti-Zionism and Jewish Liberation VII
Bill Weinberg on how Israel replicates the historical cycles of Jewish scapegoating by serving as imperialism's proxymost recently in the Lebanon aggression. Music: Yasmin Levy. Link: Jew-haters reap Lebanon windfall
8 August 2006: The Jews of Yemen II
Bill Weinberg with the conclusion of his exploration on the history of the Yemeni Jews, and a Tisha b'Av meditation on the Lebanon crisis. Also: Bluesman Markus James calls in to promote the upcoming New York screening of his film Timbuktoubab, on his collaborations with the master musicians of Mali. Music: Ofra Haza, the Human League
1 August 2006: Critical Mass Under Attack II
Wisdom Ogbor of the musical group Roots and Wisdom and the alternative development project Bicicletas para las Rutas Mayas on struggles for land and liberty among the Yucatecan Maya and the Garifuna of Central America; Mark Taylor of Freewheels and Bill Times Up of Times Up on the struggle for free access to the streets of New York.
25 July 2006: Solidarity with Lebanon
A panel of international activists discuss grassroots responses to the Israeli aggression on Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories. With Huwaida Arraf, Palestinian-American co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement and co-editor of Peace Under Fire: Israel, Palestine, and the International Solidarity Movement; Yonatan Shapira, former captain in the Israeli Air Force Reserves and co-founder of Combatants for Peace; and Adam Shapiro, human rights activist and documentary filmmaker. Music: Simon Shaheen & Qantara, Wadi al-Safi
18 July 2006: The Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade's Greatest Hits
Bill Weinberg presents musical highlights from 15 years of the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade to raise money for WBAI, with samples from North Africa, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Spain, Italy, the Balkans, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and more.
11 July 2006: The Struggle in New Orleans II
Artists and performers Seth Tobocman, Will Sales, Adam Sales and Michael Sansonia promote the upcoming benefit for the Loisaida-New Orleans Caravan project.
4 July 2006: The Jews of Yemen
Bill Weinberg on the secret history of the Yemeni Jews and their connection to the Queen of Sheba. With indigenous musical samples.
27 June 2006: Moorish Orthodoxy Explained IV
Bill Weinberg analyzes the bogus terror busts in Miami, and reveals the truth about Moorish Science and Moorish Orthodoxy. Music: Hakim Bey's TAZ and Hashisheen, the End of Law
20 June 2006: Voices of the Amazigh IX
Takfarinas, legendary singer and culture hero of Algeria's Amazigh (Berber) people, in town for his first stateside gig at Central Park's Summerstage, offers samples from his new disc, Honneur aux dames.
13 June 2006: The Jews of Bukhara
Bill Weinberg on the history of the Bukharan Jews, and the contemporary resurgence of anti-Semitic violence in Uzbekistan. Music: Bukharian Jewish folk music from Avrom Tolmasov and his Ensemble Maqam
6 June 2006: Global Climate Shift & the Struggle in Venezuela
Rev. Paul Mayer of the Climate Crisis Coalition reports back from his clergy delegation to Venezuela, where he witnessed the Bolivarian revolution's community development and alternative energy programs. Music: Enrique Gotera performs the songs of Luis Ferrer, "El Poeta de la Gaita"
30 May 2006: The Struggle in Iran
Bill Weinberg on the struggles of the Azeri of Tabriz, the Kurds of Kordestan, the Arabs of Khuzestan, the Sufis of Qom, and other oppressed ethnic and religious minorities in Iran. Music: pan-Central Asian ethno-pop of Armenia's Brothers Xakun
23 May 2006: The Struggle in New Orleans
Seth Tobocman, Melissa Jameson and Linda Flores de Leon, just back from a volunteer work brigade on the Lower Ninth Ward, join Malik Rahim of the Common Ground Collective calling in from the Crescent City. Music: Ali Farka Toure, Dave Van Ronk, Big Chief Donald Harrison Jr., Buckwheat Zydeco, Branford Marsalis, Parliament-Funkadelic, Little Freddy King
16 May 2006: From Colombia to Palestine II
Bill Weinberg with updates on struggles for land, freedom and cultural survival in Cauca and the West Bank. Music: Bustan Abraham, U2
9 May 2006: Civil Resistance in Iraq II
Samir Adil, president of the Iraqi Freedom Congress, calls in from Boston, where he is speaking on a national tour organized by the American Friends Service Committee. Music: Bustan Abraham
2 May 2006: Mayday for Legalization
Jeannette Gabriel of the New Jersey Civil Rights Defense Committee speaks on the historic national movement for immigrant legalization, with troquero organizer Ernie Navarez calling in from Los Angeles on the shut-down of city's port. Music: Los Tigres del Norte, La Banda Mexicana, Jimi Hendrix
25 April 2006: The Jews of the Caucasus II
Bill Weinberg on the Mountain Jews of Daghestan and the legacy of the Khazar Empire. With more readings from Jewish Communities in Exotic Places by Ken Blady, and more traditional music of the Mountain Jews.
18 April 2006: The Jews of the Caucasus
Bill Weinberg on the secret history of the Krimchaks, Khazars, Karaites, Ebraeli and other forgotten Jewish ethnicities of the Crimean Peninsula and Caucasus Mountains. With more readings from Jewish Communities in Exotic Places by Ken Blady, and traditional music of the Mountain Jews.
11 April 2006: The Jews of India
Bill Weinberg on the secret history of the Bene Israel of Mumbai, the Black Jews of Cochin, the "Jewish Untouchables," and other indigenous Jews of the subcontinent. With readings from Jewish Communities in Exotic Places by Ken Blady. Music: Rag Tzlilay
4 April 2006: Frogs Matter
Bill Weinberg ruminates on the ecological implications of the global frog die-back, reads Mark Twain's "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County." Music: Ali Farka Toure, Dave Van Ronk. Note: A half-hour alternative version of this show was produced for Pacifica's nationally-syndicated Sprouts, online at
28 March 2006: Folk Music of Afghanistan
Quraishi, a master of the rubab, Afghan lute, joins Vaheed Kaacemy (vocals, harmonium), Ustad Kahil Godaz (tambur) and Mustafa Samyee (tabla) to perform a sampling of traditional music from throughout Afghanistan in preparation for their upcoming concert at Symphony Space.
21 March 2006: Civil Resistance in Iraq
Houzan Mahmoud of the Iraqi Freedom Congress speaks on the new secular, anti-occupation opposition movement. Also: Farewell, Ali Farka Toure
14 March 2006: Critical Mass Under Attack II
Urban velorutionaries Bill Times Up and Leah Times Up with an update on the Critical Mass struggle. Music: Brent Titcomb, Zef Noise
28 February 2006: Solidarity with Tel Rumeida
Performer/cartoonists Seth Tobocman and Jennifer Camper on their upcoming benefit for the Tel Rumeida Project, an international volunteer effort to protect the Hebron Palestinian neighborhood from settler harassment and violence. With a telephone link to activist Ronen Eidelman of the anti-occupation arts group Maarav in Tel Aviv. Music: Amal Murkus, Zef Noise, plus Tobocman's ensemble live in the studio (Steve Wishnia on bajo sexto and saz, Eric Blitz on drums and Emilio China on violin)
21 February 2006: Whither the "Cartoon Jihad"?
Bill Weinberg takes phone calls on the "cartoon controversy." With traditional rubab music from Afghanistan. Link: Arab journalists arrested. Also: Farewell, Paul Avrich
14 February 2006: Anti-Valentine's Day Special
Bill Weinberg with a selection of bitter, cynical anti-love songs from Dick Gaugan, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Julie London, Leonard Cohen, Memphis Slim, Max Morath, Frank Sinatra, Josh White, Ely Guerra, Nazareth
7 February 2006: From Baghdad to Tokyo
Bill Weinberg reports back on the conference in solidarity with the Iraqi Freedom Congress hosted by Japan's Movement for Democratic Socialism. With traditional music from Okinawa.
31 January 2006: Literary Frauds
Ann Marie Hendrickson on James Frey, Forrest Carter, and the distinction between literary hoaxes and literary frauds. Music: Sex Pistols, The Damned, X, Memphis Minnie, Pretty Things, The Castaways, Bo Diddley, Annette Hanshaw, Battalion of Saints
24 January 2006: Anti-Semitism and the Left
Organizer Judy Andreas speaks on the upcoming Facing A Challenge Within: A Progressive Scholars' and Activists' Conference on Anti-Semitism and The Left. Music: Ezekiel Zagar. Link: Anti-Semitism in Venezuela?
17 January 2006: From China to Bolivia
As Evo Morales extends solidarity to Mexico's Zapatistas, will his anti-imperialist program mean betraying the rebel peasants of China? Bill Weinberg explores. Music: Bolivian folklorica masters Awatiñas, more Yasmin Levy. Link: East Asian Class Struggle in World Perspective
10 January 2006: The Struggle in Bolivia II
Bill Weinberg on the historic election of Evo Morales, Bolivia's first indigenous president, and what it means for the struggle for the country's hydrocarbon resources. Also: Who are the Naxalites?, Happy Berber New Year! Music: More Yasmin Levy
3 January 2006: From Chiapas to India
Bill Weinberg on the analogous struggles of southern Mexico's Zapatistas and eastern India's Naxalites. Music: Sephardic flamenco of Yasmin Levy
27 December 2005: Foucault and Iran
Authors Janey Afary and Kevin B. Anderson discuss their new book Foucault and the Iranian Revolution: Gender and the Seductions of Islamism. Music: Persian santur (hammer dulcimer) master Ardavan Kamkar
20 December 2005: Shut it Down! VII
Transit worker Eric from Park Slope with first-hand perspectives on New York City's first subway strike since 1980. With railroad songs from Leadbelly, Leroy Carr and Memphis Minnie. (Special three-part show)
13 December 2005: The Lion, the Witch and the Allegory
What would CS Lewis have to say about Disney's interpretation of his work? Was the Narnia series as much a critique of technocratic civilization as a Biblical allegory? Bill Weinberg turns to the writer's own words for illumination. With Hungarian folk songs and dances from Muzsikas.
29 November 2005: Global Trio (Plus Two)
Ultra-hybridized ethno-groove outfit Global Trio (Plus Two) AKA Non-Aligned Movement perform live in the studio.
22 November 2005: Nonviolent Resistance in Colombia II
Bill Weinberg and Mario Murillo interview Renato Areiza of the San Jose de Apartado Peace Community and independent Colombian legislator Pedro Arenas. Music: Calixto Ochoa. Links: Another killing at Colombian Peace Community; Paras kill Afro-Colombian leader.
15 November 2005: Indigenous Struggle in Colombia
Manuel Rozental of Association of Indigenous Councils of North Cauca (ACIN) with an update on the Nasa and Guambiano struggle to reclaim the land from the oligarchs and their paramilitary allies. Music: Colombia's reigning vallenata giants, Binomio de Oro de America; Caetano Veloso (Brazil) interprets Simon Diaz (Venezuela)
8 November 2005: Artists Against the Wall IV
Sliman Mansour of the League of Palestinian Artists joins Israeli artist Mushon Zer Aviv, both in town for the Three Cities Against the Wall art show, and New York artist Seth Tobocman. Also: Bork of the Common Ground Collective on citizen self-help initiatives in occupied New Orleans. Music: Amal Murkus (Palestine)
2 November 2005: Les Makams de Baghdad
Bill Weinberg presents old-school Iraqi musical samples from Yusuf Omar and contemporary interpretations from Yair Dalal. With commentary and annotation, of course.
25 October 2005: Rap Napolitano
Polo from Naples' hottest rap group, La Famiglia, on southern Italy's regional lingo and culture, and keeping it real in the face of globalization.
18 October 2005: Blues from Timbuktu II
Bluesman Markus James calls in from California to discuss his ongoing collaboration with musicians from the Niger Delta of Mali, and his upcoming gig at New York's Satalla. Also: Rabah Seffal of the Amazigh Association of the Americas with an update on the Berber struggle in Algeria, Seth Tobocman with a progress report on the Three Cities Against the Wall art show. Music: Calabash Blues
11 October 2005: When the Levee Breaks III
David Occhiuto of The Ecology Show interviews Kerry St. Pe of Louisiana's Barataria Terrebonne National Estuary Program on bayou ecological restoration efforts. Music: More Gatemouth Brown
4 October 2005: Do Cities Have a Future?
Peter Berg of the Planet Drum Foundation on the bioregional basis of urban sustainability, with examples from Ecuador, Japan and San Francisco. Music: Kirk Kelly, Simon Diaz
27 September 2005: Politics of the Anti-War Movement
Bill Weinberg on why he is a conscientious objector from the "actually-existing" anti-war movement. Music: Neapolitan rap from La Famiglia. Link: Iraq's secular left betrayed
20 September 2005: Jihad and Anarchy
Bill Weinberg dissects The Economist's propaganda comparing al-Qaeda to the 19th-century anarchists. Music: Ahmed Tijani (Ghana), Simon Diaz (Venezuela)
13 September 2005: When the Levee Breaks II
Bill Weinberg and Sarah Ferguson of the Village Voice interview community leader Malik Rahim in New Orleans and micro-radio activist Jim Ellinger in Texas on citizen self-help initiatives and federal obstruction in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Music: Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown. Link: Dome City Radio goes live in Houston
6 September 2005: When the Levee Breaks
Frank Morales of Demilitarize the Police, co-editor of Police State America, on Pentagon counter-insurgency in New Orleans. Music: Memphis Minnie & Kansas Joe McCoy, Led Zepellin, Elmore James, JJ Cale.
30 August 2005: Sounds of Puncán
Eddie Fitzgerald and fellow members of the Irish roots outfit Puncán perform live in the studio. Straight outta Dublin. Also: Amy Goodman interviews Bill Quigley on the scene at a flood-besieged New Orleans hospital in the the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
23 August 2005: Artists Against the Wall III
Seth Tobocman performs with Steve Wishnia, and joins Israeli artist Meirav Shaul, with a telephone link to Sliman Mansour of the League of Palestinian Artists in East Jerusalem, to discuss progress towards the three-city New York-Tel Aviv-Ramallah art show against the "Apartheid Wall." With traditional Arabo-Israeli oud music of Yair Dalal and Turkish saz master Talip Ozkan. Link: Three Cities Against the Wall.
16 August 2005: Sufism and the Struggle within Islam
Bill Weinberg reads the chapter on the Sufis from The Struggle within Islam: The Conflict Between Religion and Politics by Rafiq Zakaria. With traditional music of the Alevi Sufis from central Anatolia.
9 August 2005: The Struggle in Mauritania
What will the recent coup d'etat in Mauritania mean for the Black African people of that country who have been fighting for decades for equal rights? Special guest Abdarahmane Wone of the African Liberation Forces of Mauritania (FLAM) speaks on the regime of slavery and ethnic cleansing, and the state of the democratic opposition. With indigenous Fulani music of Funeebe Fuwta Aawdy. (Note: The transcript of this interview is online.)
2 August 2005: Aftermath of Terror V
Bill Weinberg reads more commentaries and takes phone calls on the global terror scare. With more Nawal and more traditional music from Central Asia. Link: Al-Qaeda: real grievances, wrong answers.
26 July 2005: Aftermath of Terror IV
Bill Weinberg with more commentaries and discussion on the London bombings, readings from Maulana Wahiduddin Khan on Islamic Non-Violence. Music: Lebanese diva Nawal, traditional dotar themes from Central Asia. Link: The London bombings: context vs. apologia.
19 July 2005: The End of the World As We Know It
Chip Berlet of Political Research Associates calls in to discuss the rising threat of Dominionism, Christian Reconstructionism and end-of-the-worldery. Special to promote the WBAI premium DVD "Examining the Real Agenda of the Religious Far Right." Music: Richard and Mimi Fariña, Gwar, Biblical readings from Charlton Heston
12 July 2005: Aftermath of Terror III
Bill Weinberg reads commentaries on the London bombings by Christopher Hitchens and Gideon Levy. Music: Omar Faruk Tekbilek (Turkey), Ezekiel Zagar (New York), Hamza El Din (Sudan)
5 July 2005: Iraq: Resistance or Retrogression? IV
Bill Weinberg reads his latest radio rant, "Iraq: Memogate and the Comforts of Vindication." Music: Kurdish saz master Huseyne Omeri, Black Sabbath's original classic "War Pigs" and the Latin version by the Estonian medieval group Rondellus
27 June 2005: From Algeria to Argentina
Bill Weinberg with the exciting conclusion of "Guerrilla of Pop: Matoub Lounes and the struggle for Berber identity in Algeria" by Andy Morgan, from Shoot the Singer! Music Censorship Today (Zed Books, London 2004). Also: Javiera Rulli of Grupo de Reflexion Rural speaks on campesino struggles in Argentina and Paraguay. Music: Berber songster Takfarinas' tribute to Matoub Lounes, and more Slimane Azem. Link: Peasants killed by Paraguay paramilitaries
21 June 2005: Homage to Matoub Lounes
Bill Weinberg marks the seventh anniversary of the assassination of the pioneering Berber political folksinger by reading "Guerrilla of Pop: Matoub Lounes and the struggle for Berber identity in Algeria" by Andy Morgan, from Shoot the Singer! Music Censorship Today (Zed Books, London 2004). Music: Contemporary Berber songster Moh Alileche's tribute to Matoub Lounes, and Lounes' early influence Slimane Azem (1950's). Link: Matoub Lounes
14 June 2005: Shoot the Singer: Music Censorship Today
A survey of censored music from around the world, with samples from Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Uighurstan, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Cuba. Highlights include Taliban religious chanting and Mexican songster Andres Contreras' Corrido de Osama Bin Laden. Link: World Forum on Music & Censorship (Freemuse). Bonus link: Bill Weinberg's interview with Thomas Mapfumo
7 June 2005: Hip Hop Special
Featuring British/African/Californian anarchist rap diva Dayze, from her debut album TruthSeeker, as well as radical raps from New York's Baba Israel, The 3rd Message and Lucky & Sdaerd.
31 May 2005: A Shrimper's Tale
Diane Wilson, founding member of the feminist anti-war group Code Pink and author of An Unreasonable Woman: A True Story of Shrimpers, Politicos, Polluters and the Fight for Seadrift, Texas, speaks on her struggle to beat back Union-Carbide, Dow Chemical and the Ku Klux Klan, and save the shrimp. Music: bluegrass fiddle prodigy Tara Nevins.
24 May 2005: WBAI Under SiegeAgain?!
Bill Weinberg joins Ken Gale of Nuff Said: The Comic Book Show to protest the cancellation of Robert Knight's Earthwatch and the growing polarization at WBAI. Music: Pete Townsend's rare acoustic version of "Won't Get Fooled Again," Merle Saunders and Jerry Garcia cover Bob Dylan's "Positively 4th Street," New Riders of the Purple Sage's "Death and Destruction," Martha and the Muffins' "Black Stations, White Stations," Gov't Mule cover Memphis Slim's "Mother Earth"
17 May 2005: From Colombia to Algeria
Ezequiel Vitonas and Manuel Rozental of the Association of Indigenous Councils of North Cauca (ACIN) representing the Nasa (Paez) people of Colombia, and musician Moh Alileche, representing the Amazigh (Berber) people of Algeria, all in town for the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, discuss the struggles for indigenous autonomy in their respective homelands. Links: Indigenous struggle in Colombia, Editions Berberes
10 May 2005: Wobblies!
Nicole Schulman, Seth Tobocman and other contributors to Wobblies! A Graphic History of the Industrial Workers of the World, with performance and discussion on the American radical labor tradition. Music: Kirk Kelly, Victor Jara, Freda Payne. Link: Wobblies!
3 May 2005: Iraq: Resistance or Retrogression? III
Bill Weinberg on the state of the anti-war movement and the diminishing prospects for freedom in Iraq. Music: Orchestre National de Barbes (Franco-Algerian), Bill Monroe's "Let the Gates Swing Wide" (in tribute to Fred Geobold, RIP). Link: Can Iraq Avoid Civil War?
26 April 2005: Critical Mass Under Attack
Activists Bill Times Up and Leah Rorvig--speaking in defiance of a legal gag order--and attorney Gideon Oliver on the city's efforts to shut down the NYC Critical Mass ride. Music: Pete Shelley, Luka Bloom, Juan Luis Guerra, Carlos Mejia Godoy. Link: Times Up Legal Newswire
19 April 2005: Towards an Auto-Free New York
George Haikalis of the Institute for Rational Urban Mobility on the potential for light rail and other measures to restore true transportation autonomy. With an ecclectic selection of railroad songs (Blind Willie McTell, Cripple Clarence Lofton, Wailing Souls, Grateful Dead). Link: Auto-Free New York!
12 April 2005: The "G-Word"
Bill Weinberg on Deborah Lipstadt, David Irving, Ward Churchill and the politics of genocide. Music: More Charming Hostess, more Cheb i Sabbah. Link: Holocaust Denial, C-SPAN and Ward Churchill
5 April 2005: Is it Fascism Yet?
Bill Weinberg examines the new Bush cabinet, and draws frightening if obvious historical parallels. Music: Larry Estridge, Dick Guaghan. Link: John Negroponte & the Death Squad Connection
29 March 2005: Blues from Sarajevo
Jewlia Eisenberg and fellow members of the Oakland Judeo-commie-feminist girl group Charming Hostess present samples from their new album Sarajevo Blues, about life during wartime. Link: Charming Hostess
22 March 2005: Thoughts on the Common Toad V
Bill Weinberg performs the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade spring ritual. Music: Cheb i Sabbah's homage to Sri Durga. Link: Some Thoughts on the Common Toad
15 March 2005: Blues from Timbuktu
California bluesman Markus James joins Songhai musician Abdoulaye Alhassan on the kurubu (bass lute) and njarka (fiddle) for a live performance and discussion of the musical cross-fertilization between Mississippi and Mali. Link: Timbuktoubab
8 March 2005: The Struggle in Bolivia
Bill Weinberg on indigenous and separatist struggles in Bolivia, and the role of US energy interests. With traditional Aymara music from the Altiplano. Link: Struggle in Bolivia
1 March 2005: The Politics of World War 4
Bill Weinberg asks: which world war is this? Music: Sacred teaching songs of the Maya Tzutujil (Guatemala), Thompson Twins, more Cheb i Sabbah. Link: Welcome to World War 4 (With an extra 90 minutes of listener phone calls.)
22 February 2005: Iraq: Resistance or Retrogression? II
Bill Weinberg on the contradictions of Iraq's "actually existing" resistance. Music: Judeo-Algerian DJ Cheb i Sabbah. Links: Islamic Jihad Army, Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq
15 February 2005: Dionysius in India
Bill Weinberg explores Indo-European myths and word-roots for clues to the Asiatic origins of Greco-Roman culture. Music: Karnatic nadaswaram (oboe) instrumentals from southern India. Link: Structural nucleus of Indo-European mythology
8 February 2005: Helen in Egypt III
Bill Weinberg on gnosticism, hermeticism, monophysism, sufism and the secret survival of Khemetic wisdom in the Hellenistic, Roman and Islamic ages. Music: Berber Sufi ritual recordings from Morocco. Link: Monophysites in the news
1 February 2005: The Duende II
Crypto-zoological researcher Mark Sanborne returns to discuss recent paleontological finds that shed new light on local folklore of elfin hominoids in the rainforests of Indonesia. Music: Gamelan and night recordings from Bali, Colombian vallenata. Link: Flores Man
25 January 2005: Helen in Egypt II
Bill Weinberg documents the African origins of Greco-Roman civilization by going to Apuleius and other primary sources. Music: Greek island & mountain songs. Link: Apuleius on Isis
18 January 2005: Helen in Egypt
Bill Weinberg on the secret history of the Trojan War. Music: Traditional Berber sounds of Moh Alileche, psychedelic soul of Rotary Connection. Link: Helen in Egypt
11 January 2005: Was Alexander so Great?
Bill Weinberg on the legacy of Alexander the Great, the new Oliver Stone movie, and the contemporary Western conquest of Babylon (Iraq) and Bactria (Afghanistan). Music: More Shahram Nazeri. (Special two-part show)
4 January 2005: Iraq: Resistance or Retrogression?
Bill Weinberg reads and discusses "Resistance or Retrogression? The Battle of Ideas Over Iraq" by Peter Hudis of the News & Letters Committees (Marxist-Humanist). Music: Persian vocal master Shahram Nazeri. Link: Resistance or Retrogression?
28 December 2004: Berber Music Special
Bill Weinberg presents a mix of new music from Algeria, Morocco, Mali and the Berber diaspora. Links: Amazigh Music & Berber Music & Culture Online. News from the Berber world: & World Amazigh Action Coalition
21 December 2004: Towards a Petroleum Commons
George Caffentzis of the Midnight Notes Collective discusses his new work, "The Petroleum Commons: Local, Islamic, and Global." Music: Algeria's classic Berber stylist Cherif Kheddam, Seattle political songster Dana Lyons. Link: Petroleum Commons
14 December 2004: Irish Orientalism II
Joseph Lennon discusses his new book Irish Orientalism: A Literary and Intellectual History. With Irish jigs, Punjabi bhangra and Bengali song of Rabindranath Tagore. Link: Irish Orientalism
7 December 2004: Anti-Zionism and Jewish Liberation VI
Bill Weinberg takes on the perennial sticky question: anti-Semitism at WBAI. Music: Israeli Aramaic techno-pop of Nash' Didan Idaylu
30 November 2004: Artists Against the Wall II
Artist-activists Seth Tobocman and Melissa Jameson with an update and discussion on the New York-Tel Aviv-Ramallah three-city art show against Israel's "Apartheid Wall." Music: Yoel Ben-Simhon & The Sultana Ensemble, Amina Muñoz-Ali. Link: Stop the Wall
23 November 2004: The Book of Thoth
Three weeks late, Bill Weinberg reads an ancient Egyptian ghost story for Halloween. Music: Material's Seven Souls (with Bill Burroughs). Link: The Book of Thoth
16 November 2004: From 1800 to 2004 V
Bill Weinberg with an Eid ul-Fitr meditation on the assault on Fallujah, and more on the electoral debacle. Music: Sister Rosetta Tharp's "Down by the Riverside," Jimi Hendrix' "Machine Gun"
9 November 2004: From 1800 to 2004 IV
Bill Weinberg takes phone calls on how the Republicans stole the elections for McKinley in 1896 and for Bush in 2004. With period music from the Spanish-American War. Link: Greg Palast: Kerry Won
2 November 2004: From 1800 to 2004 III
Bill Weinberg watches the presidential returns come in, raises money for WBAI and conducts an on-air exit poll with the listeners. Music: Leonard Cohen, political songs from the Civil War.
26 October 2004: From 1800 to 2004 II
Bill Weinberg continues his historical exegesis and harangues the listeners to cough it up for WBAI. Music: historically didactic songs from Pete Seeger, Tom Paxton, Patrick Sky, Heather Lev, the New Lost City Ramblers, Howlin' Wolf and Ray Charles. Link: Republican Coup at NY Historical Society
19 October 2004: From 1800 to 2004
Bill Weinberg on Adams versus Jefferson, Bush versus Kerry, and how the more things change the more they stay the same. (Continuation of Sept. 7 "RNC Aftermath" show). Music: Irish tunes and Quaker ballads from Lorcan Otay. Links: Alexander Hamilton & Lorcan Otway
12 October 2004: From Colombia to Palestine
Bill Weinberg notes Dia de La Raza with a comparative analysis of indigenous struggles in the Andes and the Middle East. Music: El Danzon de Moises, Judeo-Cuban jazz by Roberto J. Rodriguez. Link: Indigenous March on Cali
5 October 2004: Colombia War Report II
Bill Weinberg with an update on the indigenous autonomy struggle in Cauca. Music: Alerta, revolutionary reggae from Bogota. Link: Association of Indigenous Councils of Northern Cauca (ACIN)
28 September 2004: Colombia Music Special IV
Carlos Moreno of the Bogota punk band El Furibundo Serna with a selection of new political punk, ska and reggae from Colombia. Also: Bill Weinberg with a Critical Mass update. Link: El Furibundo Serna
21 September 2004: Voices of the Amazigh IIX
Moh Alileche, Amazigh (Berber) songwriter and musician just back from recording his new album in the Kabilya mountains of Algeria, speaks on the struggle of the Amazigh people and performs on the mondol (Algerian lute). Link: Flag of Freedom
14 September 2004: 9-11: "Conspiracy Theory" vs. "Consensus Reality"
Bill Weinberg teams up with Tom Wisker of the military affairs show Weaponry and researcher Mark Sanborne for an in-depth interview with Michael Kane of the New York 9-11 Truth movement, to explore the numerous unanswered questions about the horrific and world-shattering events of three years ago. Special three-part show. Link:
7 September 2004: RNC Aftermath
Bill Weinberg on the twisted history and ultimate corporate take-over of American party politics. Music: DJ Laptoppa Kappa, Psychedelic Furs, and more political punk from Colombia. Link: RNC Protest Report
31 August 2004: RNC Resistance
Bill Weinberg and songster-activist Darryl Cherney, visiting from California, hold down coverage of the Republican National Convention protests. Also: more political punk rock from Colombia. Link: Darryl Cherney
24 August 2004: Nonviolent Resistance in Colombia
With Leonardo Jimenez, Colombian draft resister and an activist with the Medellin anti-militarist group Red Juvenil (Youth Network). Music: new political rock, reggae and rap from Colombia. Link: Red Juvenil
17 August 2004: RNC Countdown
Bill Times Up and Brandon Neubaur on pushing the First Amendment in the anti-terrorist police state. Music: More bhangra and political songster Heather Lev live in the studio. Links: Times Up & Heather Lev
10 August 2004: Life After Capitalism?
Bill Weinberg on the corporate colonization of human evolution. Music: New bhangra from Jackson Heights, Queens. Link: Life After Capitalism
3 August 2004: Voices of Kurdistan
Kurdish exile Metin Kilicaslan and artist-activist Rebecca Migdal on the struggle for Kurdish cultural rights in Turkey. Music: Grup Yorum and other Kurdish folksingers who have been imprisoned and exiled for their songs. Link: Grup Yorum
27 July 2004: Artists Against the Wall
Seth Tobocman on the New York-Tel Aviv-Ramallah three-city art show against Israel's "Apartheid Wall." With Moroccan-Jewish musicians Yoel Ben-Simhon & the Sultana Ensemble live in the studio. Link: Yoel Ben-Simhon
20 July 2004: Dissident Voices from Iraq III
Interview: Yanar Mohammed of the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI). Music: Persian vocal master Mohammad Reza Shajarian. Link: OWFI
13 July 2004: Global Climate Shift & the Struggle in Antarctica
Robbie Liben, blacklisted from Antarctica's McMurdo Station for his anti-war activism, on the impending ice age. Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams' Sinfonia Antarctica. Link: Antarctic Storm
6 July 2004: Anti-Reagan Nostalgia II
Bill Weinberg on the passing of Ronald Reagan and Pir Vilayat Khan. Music: Gil Scott Heron, Labelle, Carlos Mejia Godoy, Farid Ayaz Qawwal, Darryl Cherney. Link:International Sufi Movement
29 June 2004: From Chiapas to Morocco VI
Author/musician Elijah Wald on narco-corridos, Dave Van Ronk, Robert Johnson and more. Also: Nass el-Hal, "People of the Trance," Gnawa musicians from Morocco, live in the studio. Link: Elijah Wald. Bonus link: Bill Weinberg's review of Elijah Wald's Narcocorrido
22 June 2004: World War 3 Illustrated V
Seth Tobocman, Rebecca Migdal and Christopher Cardinale of the venerable radical graphic zine on the World at War. Music: Madhappy, Stephan Smith, Antibalas, Moh Alileche, Clockwork Robin
15 June 2004: Anti-Reagan Nostalgia
Bill Weinberg joins veteran punk rocker and counterculture historian Steve Wishnia, media commentator John Veit for a revolting retrospective of the Reagan years. Music: The Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Crucifucks, False Prophets, Gil Scott Heron, Gateria.
8 June 2004: Voices of the Amazigh VII
Bill Weinberg on the Tuareg struggle in Mali. Music: Tinariwen, Tuareg guerilla fighters-turned-musicians; Folkways field recordings from the 1960s. Link: Tinariwen
1 June 2004: Crusaders and Jihadis III
Bill Weinberg reads "Jihad Revisited," the latest communique from Hakim
Bey. Music: Sufi chanting from Tunisia. Link: Jihad Revisited
25 May 2004: Crusaders and Jihadis II
Bill Weinberg continues the discussion. Music: classical Persian improvisations on Kurdish themes with Khayan Kalhor and Ali Akbar Moradi.
18 May 2004 The Weather Underground II
With Jeremy Varon, author of Bringing the War Home: The Weather Underground, the Red Army Faction & Revolutionary Violence in the '60s & '70s. Music: MC5, The Fugs, Phil Ochs.
Link: Jeremy Varon
11 May 2004: Crusaders and Jihadis
Bill Weinberg on deep historical roots of the current Middle East crisis. Music: Radio Palestine (sound collage), Jacques Brel. Link: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan on Jihad & on Peace in Jerusalem
4 May 2004: Thoughts on the Common Toad IV
Bill Weinberg performs the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade spring ritual. With traditional Berber and Bolivian music, Dave Van Ronk, Bob Dylan, Harry Smith archive selections. Link: Some Thoughts on the Common Toad
27 April 2004: Iraq: One Year Later IV
Bill Weinberg continues the discussion. With more Tuareg music and more Clancy Brothers. Link: Patriot Game song lyrics
20 April 2004: Voices of the Amazigh VI
Bill Weinberg on the secret oil wars of Africa's Sahel, Bill Times Up on resisting petro-oligarchical rule on the streets of New York City. With traditional music of the Tuareg people of Mali.
Link: Amazigh Cultural Association in America
13 April 2004: Iraq: One Year Later III
Bill Weinberg continues the discussion with a comparative study in pro- and anti-war propaganda. Music: Rondellus, Liam Clancy & Tommy Makem. Link: Band Played Waltzing Matilda song lyrics
6 April 2004: Iraq: One Year Later II
Bill Weinberg takes calls on the growing resistance against the occupation of Iraq. Music: New York rappers Open Thought, traditional chants of the Algerian Berbers and Yemeni Jews. Link: Open Thought
30 March 2004: Dissident Voices from Iraq II
With Issam Shukri of the Union of Unemployed in Iraq. Music: subcontinental-flamenco fusion of L. Subramaniam. Link: Issam Shukri
23 March 2004: Iraq: One Year Later
Bill Weinberg on the one-year anniversary protests against the occupation of Iraq. With Kurdish disco and Arab pop of (respectively) Zarakia and Saif. Link: One Year Later
16 March 2004: Farewell, Pedro Pietri and Sidney Solomon
Bill Weinberg on the legacy of two fallen culture heroes of New York's radical scene--the Nuyorican poet and the Jewish anarchist. With 1979 recordings of Pietri's poetry and Aymara folk music from Bolivia. Links: Pedro Pietri & Sidney Solomon
9 March 2004: The Black Madonna
Italian musician and folklorist Alessandra Belloni on the secret history of goddess worship in southern Italy. Also: music of the late Italian political folk singer Fabrizio de Andre. Link: Alessandra Belloni
2 March 2004: Dissident Voices from Iraq
With Khayal Ibrahim of the Organization of Women's Freedom of Iraq (OWFI), Samir Noory of the Worker Communist Party of Iraq. Music: Les Maqams de Bagdad.
Link: Dissident Voices
24 February 2004: Mardis Gras Special II
Bill Weinberg spews randomly, takes phone calls and frequent musical breaks. Music: Louis
Armstrong interprets Fats Waller; Colombian llaneros and bambucas; Carlos Montoya.
17 February 2004: Voices of the Amazigh V
Bill Weinberg with an update on the struggle in Algeria Music: Djur Djura, Yelas, Idir. Link: Idir, ambassador of the Kayble culture
10 February 2004: Report Back from Jayyous
David Bloom and Gabriel Ash of Jews Against the Occupation (JATO) with an update on the Israeli land-grab at the Palestinian village of Jayyous, its fields dissected by the Apartheid Wall." Music: new Palestinian rap, Josh White's Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho" (1956). Link: Letter From Jayyous
3 February 2004: The Electoral Farce V
Bill Weinberg takes listener phone calls on the Democratic primaries and the WBAI elections. Music: tangos with Astor Piazolla. Link: WBAI Listener Network
28 January 2004: The Orwellian Legacy III
Ann Marie Hendrickson and Bill Weinberg present selections from the 1975 KPFK radio drama production of 1984. Special two-part show with marathon pitching.
27 January 2004: The Black Celts
Bill Weinberg on ancient links between the Moorish and Celtic worlds. (Also, lots of annoying pitching for the station marathon.) Music: Christie Moore, traditional Libyan pipes. Link: The Black Celts
20 January 2004: Frodo Lives! V
Bill Weinberg and Ann Marie Hendrickson on the Celtic and Finnish roots of Tolkien's languages and mythos, with musical samples from Wales and Karelia. Link: Tongues of Arda
13 January 2004: Salome on Trial
Ann Marie Hendrickson on the World War I-era sexual witch-hunt around the London production of Oscar Wilde's Salome. Music: The Salome opera by Richard Strauss.
30 December 2003: From Chiapas to Palestine
Hortensia and Elvira Colorado of New York Zapatistas on the ten-year anniversary of the Chiapas uprising; radical artist Seth Tobocman performs his new piece on Israel's Apartheid Wall," interviews Israeli anarchist Ronan Edelman live from Tel Aviv on the struggle against the Wall.
Also: New Palestinian rap and pop, deep indigenous music from Peru, Josh White. Link: Coatlicue Theatre
23 December 2003: Peruvian Music Special
Bill Weinberg plays Quechua charanga and Afro-Peruvian music, reads from Peruvian Marxist thinker José Carlos Mariátegui. Link: Mariategui Archive
16 December 2003: Colombian Music Special III
Bill Weinberg plays Colombian political songsters Ana y Jaime, vallenata legend Miguel Duran Jr., narco-corrido group Los Tigres del Sur, and Bogota punk-rockers El Furibundo Serna. Link: Ricardo Semillas lyrics
9 December 2003: Colombian Music Special II
Bill Weinberg plays llanera masters Alfredo Rolando Otriz and Arnulfo Briceño, reports on repression and paramilitary terror on the plains of Colombia's Orinoco basin. Link: State of Siege in Arauca
2 December 2003: Colombian Music Special
Bill Weinberg plays mapalé queens Petrona Martinez and Totó la Momposina, reports on the Afro-Colombian autonomy struggle. Link: Afro-Colombian Renaissance
25 November 2003: How the Anti-War Movement is Blowing It
Bill Weinberg rants against the actually-existing anti-war movement. Music: Arab reggae from Bolivia. Link: Anti-War Movement Blowing It
18 November 2003: Hysterical Fugue
Ann Marie Hendrickson reviews Mad Travellers: Reflections on the Reality of Transient Mental Illness by Ian Hacking. Music: Dusty Springfield, Annette Hanshaw.
8 July 2003: Voices of the Amazigh IV
Bill Weinberg, with an update on the Berber autonomy struggle, and new musical samples from Algeria and the diaspora. Link: Struggle in Algeria
1 July 2003: Anjula and the Kirtan Orchestra
Anjula Prasad, live in the studio, sings Hindustani devotional music, with Jason Goodrow on sitar.
24 June 2003: Democratic Resistance in Iran II
Hamid Hamidi of the Iranian Labor-Left Alliance on the new unrest. Kibbitzing: Fly, Bill Times Up, John Veit. Music: Yair Dalal, Zero Content, Fayronz, Bertoldt Brecht, Shakira. Link: Golshan: Progressive Persian Website
17 June 2003: The Duende
Crypto-zoological researcher Mark Sanborne reviews the evidence for the elf-like Duende and Sasquatch-type creatures in the rainforests of Central America. With indigenous Garifuna music from Honduras. Link: The Duende Investigation
10 June 2003: Jeanette Rankin Remembered
Ann Marie Hendrickson looks back on the life and legacy of the suffragist and pacifist pioneer. Music: Erma Franklin, Memphis Minne, Sly and the Family Stone.
3 June 2003: The Weather Underground
Sam Green and Bill Siegel speak on their new documentary film, The Weather Underground, with veteran Weatherman Mark Rudd. Music: Jefferson Airplane, MC5. Link: The Weather Underground
27 May 2003: The Politics of World War 3 X
Yigal Schleifer of Jerusalem Report speaks on his recent trip to Iraq, where he investigated the plunder of archeological treasures. Music: More Yair Dalal. Link: Iraq: Where Judaism Began
20 May 2003: Farewell, June Carter Cash
Ann Marie Hendrickson with a tribute to the late legendary songster. Also: Bronx Iranian songster Haale, and lots of annoying pitching for the fund-raising marathon.
13 May 2003: Words at War
A live telephone interview with Howard Blue, author of Words at War: World War II Era Radio Drama and the Post-War Broadcasting Industry Blacklist. Music: Glen Miller and other period pieces. Link: Howard Blue
6 May 2003: The Politics of World War 3 IX
Ann Marie Hendrickson presents a rebroadcast of Norman Corwin's prematurely anti-fascist" 1939 radio drama, They Fly Through the Air with the Greatest of Ease. Music: More Yair Dalal.
28 April 2003: Anti-Zionism & Jewish Liberation V
Seth Tobocman on his new book, Portraits of Israelis and Palestinians. Music: Judeo-Iraqi artist Yair Dalal, recorded live in the Negev desert. Link: Seth Tobocman
22 April 2003: The Politics of World War 3 IIX
Bill Weinberg on the spiral of imperialist colonization in Iraq. Music: Les Maqams de Bagdad.
Link: Beware Bush's Boomerang
15 April 2003: Shamanism and Resistance in the Chiapas Rainforest
Bill Weinberg on conservation, counterinsurgency and indigenous resistance in the Chiapas rainforest. With Zapatista corridos and field recordings from Maya villages. Link: Biodiversity, INC.
8 April 2003: Children of the Grave
Bill Weinberg notes the Iraq invasion with apocalyptic readings from the Baghavad Gita, Book of Revelations and Koran, followed by commentary and listener phone calls. Music: "Mars, the Bringer of War" from Holst's The Planets, Black Sabbath's "Children of the Grave" and heavy metal interpretations by the Estonian medieval group Rondellus. Link: Rondellus
1 April 2003: Legion of the Dead
Ann-Marie Hendrickson presents The Gotham Radio Players with their interpretation of the 1938 anti-war radio theater piece Legion of the Dead. Music: Classic English folk-rockers Pentangle, Oregon punk-rockers Poison Idea, the Carter Family with Worried Man Blues."
4 March 2003: Anti-Zionism & Jewish Liberation IV
Zaid Khalil of Stop US Tax-Funded Aid to Israel Now (SUSTAIN) and David Bloom of Jews Against the Occupation (JATO) with a report back from the West Bank. Music: Lebanese singer Marcel Khalife. Link: JATO
25 February 2003: Anti-Zionism & Jewish Liberation III
With Palestinian scholar Sherene Seikaly and Mizrahi artist Meir Gal; Mizrahi scholar Dr. Sami Sharon Chetrit calling in from Los Angeles. Music: Lebanese singer Fayronz, Mizrahi Israeli artists Tipex and Zohar Argov. Link: Meir Gal interview
18 February 2003: The Politics of World War 3 VII
Bill Weinberg and Ann-Marie Hendrickson on the Feb. 15 global anti-war mobilization.
Music: Afghan lute master Aziz Herawi, Genevieve Davis, Memphis Jug Band.
Link: The Politics of February 15
11 February 2003: Anti-Zionism & Jewish Liberation II
Ora Wise and Nirit Ben-Ali of Jews Against the Occupation (JATO) continue the discussion. With more Arab and Israeli rap and pop.
4 February 2003: Anti-Zionism & Jewish Liberation
Ella Goldman and Guy Izhak Austrian of Jews Against the Occupation (JATO) on linking the struggles for Palestinian and Jewish liberation. With new Israeli rap music. Link: JATO
28 January 2003: The Irish Volunteer
Songster-historian David Kincaid on the Irish experience in the American Civil Warand the historical accuracy of the movie Gangs of New York. Link: David Kincaid
21 January 2003: Frodo Lives! IV
Bill Weinberg and Ann-Marie Hendrickson on the racial politics of Middle Earthas portrayed in both Tolkien's books and the new movie by Peter Jackson. More Arabo-Andalusian medieval music, psycho-bluegrass songster Malcolm Lucard.
14 January 2003: The Politics of World War 3 VI
Bill Weinberg on Emma Goldman, Winston Churchill, George Bush and Saddam Hussein. Music: La Felicidad Cumplida, Arabo-Andalusian medieval re-creations by Eduardo Paniagua. Link: History Lesson
7 January 2003: World War 3 Illustrated IV
Seth Tobocman, Mac McGill, Nicole Schulman and other contributors to the current issue of World War 3 Illustrated discuss Iraq, Palestine, Korea and twenty years of struggle on the artistic front. Music: Political songsters Serious Bizness, Jeffrey Lewis, Hamilton Camp, Steve Earle. Link: World War 3 Illustrated
31 December 2002: Moorish Orthodox New Years Eve
Ann-Marie Hendrickson and Bill Weinberg with rants and an eclectic musical mix, including: Hungry March Band, Antilles New Years Maskarade, Brooklyn Balkan-beat outfit Sheqer, Bosnian Breakdown, Manu DiBango, Cas Elliot, Bonzo Dog Band, Brazilian political rockers Lord K, rad-left C&W songster Steve Earle.
24 December 2002: Christmas in the Trenches
Ann-Marie Hendrickson on the 1914 Christmas Truce. Also: Farewell, Joe Strummer.
Music: The Clash (of course), John McDermott. Link: The Christmas Truce
17 December 2002: The Politics of World War 3 V
Bill Weinberg on the pending NYC transit strike and imperialist re-colonization of the Middle East. Music: More Moh Alileche. Link: New Great Game
10 December 2002: Secret History of the Border Blasters
Ann-Marie Hendrickson on Mexican radio and the border autonomous zone. Music: Tigres del Norte, Lydia Mendoza, the Carter Family.
5 December 2002: The Orwellian Legacy II
Bill Weinberg gets his turn to take on Christopher Hitchens on George Orwell. Music: revolutionary folksongs from Nicaragua. Link: Yes, Orwell Matters--But Does Christopher Hitchens?
26 November 2002: The Orwellian Legacy
Ann-Marie Hendrickson on Christopher Hitchens on George Orwell. Music: more songs from the Spanish Civil War.
12 November 2002: Blood Song with Eric Drooker
Artist Eric Drooker on his latest graphic novel Blood Song. Music: More Moh Alileche.
5 November 2002: Voices of the Amazigh III
Bill Weinberg on the Berbers, Moors, Kurds and struggles against Arabization." Music: Bay Area Berber sounds of Moh Alileche, prison songs from the Spanish Civil War. Link: Moh Alileche
29 October 2002: Samhain with Johnny Valiant
Ann-Marie Hendrickson interviews Johnny Valiant, professional wrestler extraordinaire. Also: Frankenstein soundtrack samples for Halloween. Link: Johnny Valiant
22 October 2002: Moorish Mysteries of Catalonia
Bill Weinberg on the Moorish role in the Spanish Civil War, and lessons for contemporary Iraq. Music: Medieval pilgrim songs from Catalonia.
24 September 2002: Priestly Paranoia
Ann-Marie Hendrickson on homophobia in the Catholic Church sex scandal. Music: The Kinks, Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers.
17 September 2002: One Year Later II
Ann-Marie Hendrickson and Bill Weinberg replay live footage from Lower Manhattan's streets on the morning of 9-11, and discuss Pacifica's mission in the post-9-11 world. Music: Material's Seven Souls (with Bill Burroughs)
10 September 2002: One Year Later
Ann-Marie Hendrickson, Bill Weinberg and Wild Bill, an NYC emergency medical technician, reflect on the WTC disaster. Music: The Flaming Lips, Liam Clancy. Link: One Year Later
3 September 2002: From 007 to xXx
Ann-Marie Hendrickson and Bill Weinberg on the evolution of Hollywood spy culture. With Leonard Cohen and classic 1960s spy music.
27 August 2002: 9-11 Conspiracy Theory
Chris Flash of The Shadow and Paul Garrin of Name.Space take phone calls on theories of government complicity in the 9-11 attacks. Contemporary Berber and Sufi music. Link: The Shadow
20 August 2002: Remembering Sacco & Vanzetti
Ann-Marie Hendrickson and activist Eric Laursen on the 75th anniversary of the execution. Music: Samples from Mark Blitzstein's forgotten opera on the anarchist martyrs, interpretations of their jailhouse letters by Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger.
13 August 2002: Return of the Dope Squad
Bill Weinberg joins media commentator John Veit to discuss US imperialism's official transition from the War on Drugs to the War on Terrorism. Also: Bedouin techno-trance music.
6 August 2002: Language Wars of 19th Century America
Ann-Marie Hendrickson on Noah Webster, Samuel Morse, Sequoyah, Ad al-Rahman Ibrahima and 19th century theories of an American national language. Also: Hiroshima commemoration with poetry from Jerome Rothenberg and David Meltzer. Music: The Fall.
30 July 2002: From Chiapas to Morocco V
Bill Weinberg on Moorish mysteries in Mexico. With Flamenco-Sufi music.
Link: Crackdown on Islamic Militants in Chiapas
23 July 2002: Farewell, Alan Lomax
A tribute to the late legend of folk music, with original field recordings from Appalachia, the Deep South and Caribbean. Link: Alan Lomax
16 July 2002: From Chiapas to Morocco IV
Bill Weinberg on Mexico's Maya Islamic militants and the war moves off Gibraltar. Music: More Cheikha Remitti. Link: Chiapas to Morocco.
9 July 2002: Divine Violence
Ann-Marie Hendrickson reads the Zen interpretations of RH Blyth. Music: Fire and brimstone from the Rev. JM Gates, more Ramones and more Cheikha Remitti. Link: RH Blyth
1 July 2002: Rants Against the Machine IV
Bill Weinberg rants against petro-chemical tyranny. Ann-Marie Hendrickson bids farewell to poet Philip Whalen. Music: Cheikha Remitti (Algeria). Link: Philip Whalen.
24 June 2002: Farewell, Dee Dee Ramone
Ann-Marie Hendrickson on the tortured genius of the punk rock legend. Link: Dee Dee Ramone, RIP
17 June 2002: From Pax Romana to Globalization
Bill Weinberg and Sidney Smith on Italian peasant culture, the Roman Empire, bioregionalism and globalization. Music: Tarantellas and prison songs from Calabria.
10 June 2002: Moorish Mysteries of Southern Italy
Bill Weinberg reports back on his search for Moorish roots in Naples, Sicily and Calabria. Music: Tarantellas from Alessandra Belloni and Alan Lomax's rare Italian field recordings.
Link: Struggle in Calabria
23 April 2002: The Politics of World War 3 IV
Bill Weinberg plays sound footage from the Palestine solidarity rally in DC, takes more phone calls. Also: Ann-Marie Hendrickson on homophobia in the Catholic Church sex scandal. Music: Simon Shaheen & Qantara. Link: Palestine Rally in DC
16 April 2002: The Politics of World War 3 III
With film-maker Beth B., Seth Tobocman, Mac McGill and Tauno Bilstead of World War 3 Illustrated. Music: Jim Coleman, Lou Reed does Kurt Weill.
9 April 2002: The Politics of World War 3 II
Bill Weinberg takes more calls on the Middle East crisis. Music: Simon Shaheen & Qantara. Link: Simon Shaheen
2 April 2002: The Politics of World War 3 (Parts 1, 2 & 3)
Ann-Marie Hendrickson plays Kurt Weill, Bill Weinberg reads more Orwell. Plus: two hours of listener phone calls. Link: Orwell on Spain
26 March 2002: Thoughts on the Common Toad III
Aresh Djervati of the More Gardens Coalition and Bill Times Up with an update on the struggle in The Bronx. Bill Weinberg reads George Orwell. Music: Dave Van Ronk sings Peter Stampfel; ethnic field recordings from Yugoslavia. Link: Orwell on Toads
19 March 2002: Irish Orientalism
Scholar Joseph Lennon speaks on his recent work "The Oriental and the Celt: Ireland & Empire." Music: Irish fiddle masters of the 78 RPM era.
12 March 2002:: Critique of Tolerance II
Ann-Marie Hendrickson on Robert Paul Wolff, Barrington Moore Jr. and the radical critique of tolerance. Bill Weinberg on the ongoing Vatican backlash against "indigenous theology" in Chiapas. Traditional folk music from Mexico, Yugoslavia and Ireland. Link: Critique of Pure Tolerance
4 March 2002: Critique of Tolerance
Ann-Marie Hendrickson on Sheldon Wolin, Herbert Marcuse and the radical critique of tolerance.
Music: songs from Dave Van Ronk's middle years (1966-76). Link: Herbert Marcuse
26 February 2002: The Virtual Enclosures IV
Paul Garrin of Name.Space, Christine Wang of Free the Media and Warcry of the Information Liberation Front join John Perry Barlow of the Electronic Frontier Foundation calling in live from San Francisco. Music: songs from Dave Van Ronk's classic years (1964-6). Link: Free the Media
19 February 2002: Farewell, Dave Van Ronk
Bill Weinberg and Ann-Marie Hendrickson discuss the late folk music legend, and play songs from his early years (1957-64). Link: Dave Van Ronk Unauthorized
12 February 2002: Mardis Gras Special (Parts 1 & 2)
Bill Weinberg and Ann-Marie Hendrickson again team up with Ken Gale and Mercy Van Vlack of Nuff Said for a marathon special on radical art. Also: Chris Cardinale of World War 3 Illustrated.
Music: The Dixie Cups, Professor Longhair, Huey Piano" Smith & the Clowns, Louis Armstrong. Link: 'Nuff Said!
5 February 2002: Frodo Lives! III (Parts 1, 2 & 3)
Bill Weinberg and Ann-Marie Hendrickson join Ken Gale and Mercy Van Vlack of Nuff Said: The Comic Book Show to interview Elvish scholar Alexei Kondratiev in a special marathon session on JRR Tolkien. Music: Charlie King, Donald Swan, Nomos, Clannad, Steeleye Span. Link: Mythopoeic Society
29 January 2002: Frodo Lives! II
Bill Weinberg and Ann-Marie Hendrickson on the politics of Middle Earth. With rare recordings of JRR Tolkien reading his own work. Also: Bo Hansson's art-rock interpretation.
22 January 2002: KPFT Report
Programmers Odie and Scooter call in from Houston on the struggle to liberate WBAI's sister station. Music: T-Bone Walker, Texas garage rock. Link: KPFT
15 January 2002: WBAI Liberated!
Bill Weinberg, Ann-Marie Hendrickson, Seth Tobocman and Sue Saminksi celebrate the overturning of the 2000 Christmas coup. Music: Patti Smith, Shangri-Las, Ron English. Link: Judge Rules: WE WIN!
8 January 2002: Endgame & Escape
Exiled Program Director Bernard White calls in to discuss the WBAI endgame. Bill Weinberg on JRR Tolkien and the politics of escapism. Music: medieval Jewish dances, early Pink Floyd. Link: On Fairy Stories
1 January 2002: Adam Purple and the Garden of Eden
Adam Purple on r(apid)evolution and urban ecology. Music: Marvin Gaye, Halveti Jerrahi Order of Dervishes (Istanbul), Maskarade New Years procession (Dutch Antilles). Link: Garden of Eden
25 December 2001: Frodo Lives!
Ann-Marie Hendrickson on JRR Tolkien, Sir James Frazer and the origins of neo-paganism. Music: The Ramones, Led Zeppelin, traditional Celtic guitar of Pierre Bensusan, Bulgarian folk songs.
18 December 2001: George Harrison and the Journey to the East
Bill Weinberg and Ann-Marie Hendrickson on the music and cultural politics of when Krishna was Fab. Also: the flawed Pacifica settlement and the suspension of Bob Fass' Radio Unnameable." Link: George on Krishna or audio clip
11 December 2001: Moorish Orthodoxy Explained III
Bill Weinberg discusses Moorish Orthodoxy, Islamic heresy and the actually-existing jihad," with musical samples from Hakim Bey's Hashisheen: The End of Law. Ann-Marie Hendrickson with reviews and satirical Christmas music.
4 December 2001: Farewell, Ken Kesey
Bill Weinberg discusses the legacy of the all-American acid guru. With rare sound footage from the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, San Francisco 1966. Link: Farewell, Ken Kesey
27 November 2001: Forgotten Nations of Central Asia
Bill Weinberg hosts a musical and cultural-political tour through Hunza, Gilgit and Kafiristan. Link: Free Balawaristan Movement
20 November 2001: WBAI Under Siege XIV
Bob Lederer, exiled host of WBAI's Health Action, calls in with a report on the Pacifica National Board meeting in Washington DC. More music from Afghanistan. Link: PNB meeting report
13 November 2001: Guns Before Butter
Bill Weinberg on the prospects for a new anti-war movement and the interminable WBAI struggle. Music: yet more Gang of Four, Firemen Edward Meehan and Barney Conlon.
6 November 2001: WBAI Under Siege XIII
Is the Pacifica crisis approaching an endgame? Also: Ann-Marie Hendrickson reviews the Cave Stomp festival, watches the mayoral results come in. Music: more Gang of Four, Fredonia Goes to War" from the Marx Brothers' Duck Soup.
30 October 2001: Samhain Special
Ann-Marie Hendrickson on Harry Houdini and Arthur Conan Doyle. Also: Update on the WBAI struggle. Music: Gang of Four, Screaming Lord Sutch, Fireman John McKenna.
23 October 2001: Unholy War
Seth Tobocman of World War 3 Illusrtated, Howl Festival organizer Stefan Kristoff and Lower East Side rockers Not for Prophet and Vagabond of Ricanstruction on anti-war opposition. Also: Update on Turkish political prisoners. Music from Dir Yassin (Israeli punk), New York songster LA Estridge. Link: Ricanstruction
16 October 2001: UK Garage Rock Nostalgia
Ann-Marie Hendrickson leads a psychedelic trip down memory lane with samples from Nuggets, Vol. 2. Also: Updates on the WBAI struggle, more music from Afghanistan.
9 October 2001: Is this Trip Necessary?
Bill Weinberg and Bill Times Up compare the propaganda of World War II and World War 3 as the bombs fall on Afghanistan. More traditional music of the peoples of Afghanistan.
2 October 2001: Who is a Jew?
Bill Weinberg searches for the Lost Tribes of Israel in South Africa, Afghanistan and China. Music: Alhambra, Elias Ladino Ensemble (Sephardic), Bukharan hymns, Hebrew and Herati folk music. Link: Ahmadiyya Islam on the Lost Tribes of Israel
25 September 2001: Aftermath of Terror II
Bill Weinberg interviews Veritas, an emergency medical technician working at Ground Zero. Also: Afghanistan war report, and traditional music from Afghanistan.
18 September 2001: Aftermath of Terror
Bill Weinberg and Ann-Marie Hendrickson reflect on the destruction of New York's twin towers. Music: Jimi Hendrix' Star-Spangled Banner" Link: War is Not the Answer
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